Part 4: Bonbon Candies

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After walking up to the attic, Yoohyeon sighed, physically sensing the loneliness of the house. It was so desolate and so peaceful it hurt the ears. Yoohyeon would straight up go to bed, but she wasn't sleepy at all. Considering the fact that she worked in the field for the entire day, she should have been relatively tired, but strangely enough, she wasn't feeling exhausted at all.

She sat on the lone stool that existed in the room, which was standing in front of this ancient dusty and lonely piano against the fence. Her face expressed nothing but stillness, only the moonlight coming from the colourful windows playing on her skin.

Yoohyeon never truly learned how to play the piano, but out of lethargy, she deliberately caressed the texture of it, unlocking it up and settling her long fingers on the frigid keys.

Even from the first sound that the piano radiated out, Yoohyeon knew how it was used for decades already. Because of its extended use, the keys remained quiet and subdued.

She playfully hit the keys, the piano making eerie noises. Closing her eyes, Yoohyeon thought how idiotic she would look right now, but she was obliged that no one was there to observe her.

But well, she was completely wrong with that.

A quite hazy and rich laugh was heard from the door which Yoohyeon left opened and looking toward it after almost jumping out of the chair, she saw Siyeon leaning on the door, clapping a little.

"Oh goodness, Siyeon! You scared me to death." Yoohyeon put her palm over her chest, breathing heavily. The blonde woman walked into the room, slowly getting close to the piano and sitting beside Yoohyeon while still continuing to chuckle.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you. I just heard you playing the piano... if that's even called playing- and came upstairs." She gave out a laugh after seeing Yoohyeon's offended face, moving closer to her and brushing her hands over the piano keys herself.

Without any more remark, She softly began to play some kind of piece Yoohyeon did not know, but quickly adored the melody of it.

She glanced at Siyeon's face, who had her eyes shut while playing, fully feeling the music. Yoohyeon gave out a smile, just loving the blonde woman's vibe right at that minute.

After a moment, though, Siyeon stopped so suddenly, opening her eyes and pulling her hands back, a sorrow filling up her expression slowly.

"Woah..." Yoohyeon breathed out "It sounds so great but... also a little spine-chilling." Yoohyeon said, colds running over her body.

Siyeon gave her a slight nod, looking down at the already raven keys full of dust. "Yes. Well, this song is all about grieving, about not knowing what happens to us after we have died, or lost someone close to our heart. It expresses awe regarding our loss." She said, her words becoming softer and softer as a whisper one by one.

Yoohyeon's mouth fell agape, "What is it called?"

"Lacrimosa," Siyeon said simply, before shaking her head and turning to Yoohyeon as if she wanted to talk about something else. "Anyway, enough of funeral songs. I have something for you!"

Yoohyeon watched her as the blonde put her hand in her pocket, looking for something before taking out a package of candies.

"Oh my god!! Siyeon! These are strawberry bonbon candies?!?" She gasped, taking it in her hands and looking at the blonde woman with a pout, who just chuckled.

"Do not look at me as if I just bought you a house! These are just candies!!" She laughed, but then received an abrupt embrace from the younger one.

"It is not about the gift being big, it's just the consideration. You remembered when I said these were my favourites and you actually got them for me!"

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