Chapter Nine

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I silently walk into my room.

I unpack everything. I grab a book off my bookshelf, make sure my bedroom door is locked and go out to my balcony. I plug my headphones into my phone and listen to my music loudly as I reread The Maze Runner.


I get up for school. I change into leggings and an oversized grey tee-shirt. I put my black leather jacket on. I also put that long necklace with a black cross pendant on. I slip my black high-top Converse on. I grab my JS (JanSport) and keys then go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen. All the high schoolers and adults are in there talking. I grab a bagel with cream cheese and sit at the island.

"How was being a hostage?" Sam asks.

I shrug.

"Did he cut out your tongue?" Jeff asks.

"Yes." I walk out to my truck.

I just want to get to school and apologize to Jay.

I run through the hallway to Jay's locker. I hope he's there and not late/early.

"Jay!" I yell. I jump into his arms in a hug.

He wraps his arms tightly around me. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes. And I'm so so so so so sorry!" I exclaim.

"No I am. I was a jerk and I shouldn't have been." He smiles.

I laugh. "Please, you couldn't have been a jerk. Like ever."

"Minty. I need to talk to you." Luke says. He grabs my arm and pulls me away from Jay.

"What?" I say, not rudely but bored.

"I need to talk to you after school." And with that he walks away.

"Okay..." I walk back over to Jay.

"What did he want?" Jay asks curiously.

"He wants to talk after school. Speaking of, whatcha doing after school?" I ask.

"I've got me a date."


"Brianna Stevens."

"She's really pretty and nice. Don't hurt her too bad."

"This ones different."

"How so?"

"I've liked her for two weeks. And by liked I mean thought about her constantly."

"Wow. How long do you think you'll date?"

"Longer than normal."

"Awe. That'll be good, maybe get into a serious relationship."


"See you later." I say as we reach my class.

"Bye." He waves and walks away.


I walk into lunch.

Once again the conversations pause. But I'm use to it.

"Hey, Dill!" My head snaps as I see Cassie running towards me. "CASS!" I scream and run to hug her.

I haven't seen her in forever because I haven't been to work in a while...oops.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm transferring schools!"


We walk to the table that Jay is staring at Cassie from.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.


"Cool." He smiles and eats.

"So there's a lot of hot guys here." Cassie smiles and winks at one of the guys staring at her. She's a bit of a player, not a slut, a player. She makes the guys think they have a chance, but they don't.

"Yeah, most are jerks." I sigh.

"Anyone you fancy?"

"Fancy? What are you British?"

"I learned it at school. There's a lot of British people there."

"Cool. But no, I don't fancy anyone."


"So how do you like it here?"

"It's cool."

"Very descriptive."

"You know it!"

The shrill bell rings and we go our separate ways.




So whatcha doin??

Okay byeeeee


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