I Love You- Remceit (Remy X Deciet

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(I'm calling Deceit,Damien in this cause I think the name fits. Enjoy!!)
Virgil and I had gotten into an argument. I don't even know why. Maybe it's cause I tried to make Thomas lie to his friends or something. Patton was trying to calm us down, Logan was helping Patton (kinda half-heartedly though, he knew we wouldn't stop yelling), Roman was watching, mouth hanging open and Remy was trying to drink his Starbucks. "Everyone hates you Damien!" Virgil yelled." Patton hates you, , Roman hates you, Logan hates you and I DESPISE YOU!! Thomas would be better off without you! GET OUT OF OUR LIVES!!!!" There was a shocked silence. I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "You think I don't know that Virgil? I know you guys hate me and I know Thomas would be better off without me." Patton looked shocked and close to tears. Roman and Logan glared at Virgil and the expression on Remy's face was unreadable. "Damien-" started Patton. I didn't wanna hear them grovelling so I sunk out to my room.
After Damien sunk out there was a shocked silence before Patton began telling off Virgil. Roman joined in. " You have to apologise to him Virgil" Logan chimed in. "Make me, nerd!" As Patton and Roman began telling Virgil off for calling Logan a nerd, (he's not wrong, but still) I head towards Damien's room. I knock lightly on the door. "Damien? Can I come in?" I heard Damien getting off his bed and opening the door. When I saw how red his eyes were I hugged him. "Damien, don't listen to Virgil. He didn't mean any of what he said, it was just in the heat of the moment. We all care about you, even Virgil. I can't stand seeing you upset." I tried to reassure him while hugging him tightly. "Remy, you don't get it. I'm useless, I make things more difficult than anything." He replied. I lightly kissed him on the cheek. "Please don't say that, I....I love you Damien, and I wanna make sure you're ok." After I kissed his cheek, I saw the human side of his face blushing. "Hi kiddos, sorry if I'm interupting anything but Virgil has something he'd like to say". Patton looked at Virgil who sighed and went red. "I'm sorry Damien, I didn't mean anything that I said earlier. Can we be friends again?" Damien nodded, smiling. "YAY! Now can we get some rest, I need my beauty sleep". Said Roman, rather impatiently. "You don't need beauty sleep, Sir Sing A Lot-" began Virgil. Roman smiled at him. "-You need a freaking car wash!" Roman hit Virgil playfully on the arm and they went back to their separate rooms. "Goodnight Damien, Remy. See you guys tomorrow!" Said Patton as he strolled back to his own room. I smiled at Damien and kissed him. He kissed back and when we broke apart, he smiled. "Goodnight Remy". He said as I walked out the door. "Goodnight D, love you". I replied and strolled back to my room.

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