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Warnings: Angst, self-harm mention (not graphic), substance abuse, suicide attempt.


"I'll be back soon guys, I swear!" Said Anxiety, trying to free his arm from my grasp. I sighed and let go of him. "Okay, but promise that you won't leave us? That Morality guy was trying to convince you to join them". He smiled and kissed the scaled side of my cheek. "Love, why would I leave you for those 'good guys'? I mean, have you seen Princey?" We both laughed as Remus shuddered at the mere thought of his brother, the 'perfect' Prince who forgot about him. "Bye Remus, bye Dee! I'll see you guys soon!"

Anxiety came back, fuming with anger. "He got this woman, Lilly Singh, to help him 'GET RID OF HIS ANXIETY'. THAT KID HAS SERIOUS GROWING UP TO DO..!" I nodded sympathetically as he raged. "AND REMUS WAS RIGHT, HIS BROTHER IS SO JUDGY! HE SAW ME FOR TWO BLOODY SECONDS AND SAID 'I CANT STAND THAT GUY'! LIKE WHAT THE HELL!"

Even so, he kept going back, and each time he seemed less annoyed when he got home. Then, he became more distant. He even called Remus, 'Roman' at one point, and said that the sash made him confused. After a while, he stopped coming home.

(One week later)

"Dee, when's Anxiety coming home?" Remus asked. I sighed in defeat. "I don't know Remus. I really don't know".

After a few months, we gave up on waiting. It broke my heart, and Remus was so upset. Anxiety changed his outfit, and even told the others his name. Virgil. It was a beautiful name, and it was perfect for such a beautiful man.

He began to date Roman. The so called 'Hero' of the mindscape. And the thing that took him away from me. I was feeling so low, and turned to anything to make me feel better; Drugs, alcohol, cutting, etc. Remus persuaded me to visit two therapists, Remy Sanders, who was a substance abuse councillor, and Emile Picaini. It helped me stop harming myself, but I kept pining after Virgil.

I disguised as Patton in an attempt to see Virgil. What did he even see in the others? Roman was self-centred, Logan was boring, and Patton was..alright, I guess.

I held a gun to my head. I had begged Remy and Emile to take Remus in. He needed someone to look after him. I was about to pull the trigger when I heard a familiar voice. "Dee, no!" It as Virgil. "Dee, I was an asshole, I'm really sorry, just put the gun down!!" I smiled at him, with tears in my eyes. "Virgil, I am damaged, far too damaged. I am beyond repair." The man I loved began to cry. "Dee, please don't die, I need you!" I smiled coldly. "Didn't need me for all these months though, did you?" Before I could pull the trigger, I felt someone grab my arms from behind and pull the gun away from me. I looked around and saw Remy holding me and Emile was putting the safety on the gun. "Babes, Remus ain't a child, he told us that you had a gun. Emile panicked cause of some things ya told 'im in therapy." I couldn't be strong anymore and burst into tears, falling into Virgil's strong arms. It would all be okay, it would just take time.

I have more ideas, I'll get them to ya soon. In the meantime, take it easy guys, gals and non binary pals! PEACE OUT🌈♥️🌈♥️🌈♥️🌈♥️!

Sanders Sides OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora