Opposites attract- Intrulogical (I love this ship!)

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Warnings: Angst, crying, unsympathetic Patton , trans Logan, rape mention. Patton, I'm sorry!


Logan's P. O. V
I sat down on Thomas's couch, thinking about Thomas's schedule for the day, when my mind took an unexpected turn to a particular dark side; Remus. I have been thinking about him, ever since "Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts". I was not certain why my mind kept redirecting itself to that.....strange man.

"Hey, Logic", came a cheerful voice, that was a little bit higher than the rest of our voices. I sighed. "Hello Remus". He grinned and leapt onto the couch beside me. "Remus, what brings you here?" He shrugged. "Boredom? Loneliness? The fact that Dee kicked me out for asking if he watched snake porn?" I looked at him, nodding before my eyes widened. "Wait, what was the last one!?" He giggled before sitting on my lap. "You're really cute, y'know that, right?" I couldn't respond, I was a blushing mess. "I-uh.....thank, you?" I stammered. He giggled and placed a kiss on my cheek (not that cheek y'all). "See you later, Logie!" He said, running back to the Dark Side of the Mindscape.

Remus's P. O. V
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD! I ACTUALLY DID IT! I KISSED LOGAN! I ran into the kitchen and put some butter popcorn in the microwave, and started grating a bar of soap. "Hello Remus, how did it go?" Asked Dee, sipping a cup of black coffee, and wearing Remy's leather jacket. "Well, I kinda sat on his lap, flirted a bit, kissed him and ran away?" Deceit sighed and put his coffee down. "Remus, that wasn't the best approach". I nodded sadly, sprinkling the soap shreds on my popcorn.

Logan's P. O. V
I sat on the couch, stunned. I knew I should not have liked any part of that, but.. I did. It felt...nice, and heartfelt, nothing that I would expect from Remus. "Hey, Logan. Can we talk?" came a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Patton standing in the doorway, arms folded. "Of course Patton, what seems to be the issue?" I asked, trying to hide my blush. "Well, I would never usually say this, but.....WHAT THE FUCK LOGAN! HE'S A DARK SIDE, AND YOU LIKE HIM!? THAT'S DISGUSTING! HE'S HURTING, THOMAS, HE'S USELESS!" "Well, as we can clearly see from past experiences, the heart has hurt Thomas much more that either Remus, or Deceit has!" I retorted. Patton's face changed from disgust, to pure anger. He walked over to me and grabbed me by my tie, making me choke. "Oh, you're gonna regret that, Logic." There was no sense, reasoning, or any moral code in Patton's mind. There was just anger, and hatred, for Logan and for Remus.

Timeskip, because Patton, I'm sorry!

I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious for. All I knew, was that the blood on the walls had dried, I was bruised all over and felt a terrible pain in my waist, hips and back. My binder was thrown across the room, and my clothes were all over the place. The pain I felt was indescribable. A sudden thought occured to me: I was a virgin before this, fucking bastard took my virginity! I started crying, as I tried to move. I started silently pleading for someone, anyone to come and save me. "Remus", I whispered under my breath. "Remus, please, help me."

Remus's P. O. V
I realized that I had to talk to Logan, but I couldn't find him anywhere! I checked the kitchen, office, Thomas's room, Logan's room. He wasn't anywhere! "Brother, have you seen Logan anywhere?" I asked Roman anxiously. "No, I haven't actually. Why?" I shrugged. "Reasons" I briefly muttered, running out of the room.

I heard faint sobbing coming from Morality's room. I was going to ignore it, but then I heard something that made my heart break. "Remus. Remus, please help me...." This was definitely Logan. I tried the door. Locked, obviously. I backed away and slammed myself into the door. I only hurt my shoulder. I ran to the kitchen, where else would Patton be? I saw him, talking to Virgil, with a fucking happy smile all over his face! I ran at him, pinning him to a wall, and putting a hand around his throat. "What the- Roman, get down here, NOW!!" Virgil yelled, clearly panicking. I didn't focus on that. Instead I focused on Morality. There was fear in his eyes, as he looked at me in confusion. "Remus, what are you doing! Get away from him!" I turned to my brother, tears in my eyes. "R-roman, pl-please, just hear m-me out" I managed to say, through tears. " He hurt Logan, his door is locked, I could hear Logan quietly pleading for help". Tears were in my eyes, as I thought about Logan, crying and in pain. Virgil stayed in the kitchen as Roman went to check if I was speaking the truth. I looked at Patton, and glared at him.

A few moments later, Roman came downstairs, eyes narrowed at Patton. "He's right. Patton, give me the keys". Patton looked at us all, before handing the keys over. I took them from him. " You two stay here. I'll get Logan." The other two nodded and they both glared at Patton. I honestly felt bad for Virgil, he looked so betrayed. I ran upstairs and unlocked the door. The sight I saw, broke my heart. I saw Logan, lying on the floor, blood everywhere, and his clothes were thrown all over the place. There was a binder on the ground. After I get him outta this, he's getting a pregnancy test, doubt that pervert used a condom.

I picked Logan up, looked at his bruised body. "R-Remus?" He asked, clinging to my shirt, looking up at me. "It's okay baby, it's gonna be okay, I'm so sorry." I said, rubbing his back to calm him down. I held him close, letting him cry on my shoulder. I got him dressed. I had no idea how to put his binder on though, so I gave him my dark green sweater. I brought him to his room and put him on his bed. "Me and the others will deal with Patton, I'll be right back, 'kay?" Logan nodded. I was about to leave when I felt his hand hold mine. "Remus? I love you." He said. " I turned around and kissed him. "I love you too, Logan. So, so much".

A/n sorry about that guys! What do you guys wanna see? I'll write whatever you want, any ship, any AU, anything really!
Until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals! PEACE OUT! ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

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