I love you too much - Prinxiety

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Sorry for not being on in ages guys ,I'll make it up to you, I have a few ideas. This song is from the Book of Life. It's an amazing movie.
(Highschool AU)
Warnings: Slight swearing, cringe, dangerous activity, injury.

Roman had been trying to flirt with Virgil for weeks now, with no success. Leaving little notes with cute messages in his locker, complimenting him on his outfit, and stuff like that. Nothing.

"Look, I've known Virge all my life, he doesn't like big gestures" said Remus when Roman asked him. "He's a bit like my Logie in that way". Roman looked at his brother in disbelief. "You stood on a roof and yelled "Hey, Nerdy Wolverine! I have feelings for you, and you better fucking acknowledge them!" And then you jumped off the roof, onto a trampoline, bounced off and cracked your head open on the pavement".

Remus shrugged. "It worked, didn't it? Anyway, just be kind to him, or some shit like that". Roman smiled. "Don't worry, I have an idea".

Roman's idea was awful. It was cringey, and Virgil would just laugh at him, but still he wanted to try.

Timeskip to February 14th, 2020.

Virgil was in his room, just reading a book on serial killers (Remus recommended it), before hearing someone strum a guitar outside his window. He looked out the window and saw his crush, Roman, outside his window, with a guitar and wearing a white suit with a red shirt and a white tie. Then, he began to sing.

I love you too much
To live without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness, and this is a fact

I know I belong
When I sing this song
It's love above love, and it's ours
Cause I love you, too much

Virgil smiled fondly, picked up his cat, which was rubbing against his leg, and smiled encouragingly at Roman. The princely man smiled back, and kept singing.

I live for your touch
I whisper your name, night after night.
I love you too much
There's only one feeling, and I know it's right.

I know I belong
When I sing this song
It's love above love, and it's ours
Cause I love you too much

Heaven knows your name, I've been praying
To have you, come here by my side
Without you, a part, of me is missing
Just to make you, my own I will fight

I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
Cause I love you too much

I love...you too much
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact

You live in my soul
Your heart is my goal

There's love above love, and it's mine, cause I love you
There's love above love, and it's yours, cause I love you
There's love above love, and it's ours, if you love me, as much?

Roman looked up to the window and saw that Virgil was gone. "Wha-" Roman started, before being pulled into a hug from behind by Virgil. "You absolute dork Princey" he said with a laugh. Roman blushed, and held Virgil's hand. "Virge, will you go out with me?" Roman asked nervously. Virgil laughed  and kissed Roman softly. "Of course, see ya in math."

As Virgil went back into his home, Roman raced home, grinning with joy. He had to tell Remus about this!

I'm not sure if I got all the lyrics right, please tell me if I made a mistake.
Anyways, take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals! PEACE OUT ♥️🌈♥️🌈♥️🌈

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