My Hero- Platonic Royality

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Warning: If you haven't seen the new episode (Putting Others First) , please don't read this, crying, blood, accidental injury.

(Patton's POV)
Today had gone horribly, Thomas had missed a callback, Roman was upset, and I threatened to kill Leslie Odom Jr, and Mary Lee and Lee. At least we got to sing a catchy tune, talk about Frogger, and learn Deceit's real name. Personally, I think the name Janus really suits him.

As I went towards Virgil's room to tell him dinner was ready, I heard faint crying, and the sound of something breaking coming from Roman's room. I knocked on the door. "Kiddo, are you okay?"

(Roman's POV)
The minute that I sunk out, I ran to room, and cried. Everything was going wrong. I kept remembering what Janus had said to me. "Roman, thank God you don't have a moustache, otherwise between you and Remus, I wouldn't know who the  evil twin is." I am NOTHING like my brother, but I'm clearly not Thomas's hero any more. Tears started streaming down my face, making my vision blurry. "I've failed you Thomas, I'm sorry" I said. I needed to take out my frustration on something, so I punched whatever was in front of me, not knowing or caring what I hit. I felt pain in my hand, and held it close to me. Then, I heard knocking on the door. "Kiddo, are you okay?"

(Patton's POV)
"I-I'm okay Padre, don't worry about me." Now, I may not be Janus, but I know a lie when I hear one."Kiddo, I'm coming in." I said, opening the door. When I entered the room, I saw Roman curled up on the floor, clutching his hand, which had glass shards in it, and his mirror was broken. "Oh, Kiddo" I murmured, holding him and summoning a First Aid Kit. I carefully got the glass out of Roman's hand, and bandaged it up. As I finished looking after his hand, I looked up, and saw tears in his eyes. "Ro, please talk to me" I said, holding him close. "I am not worthy to be here, I've failed Thomas." I was surprised by what he said. "Kiddo, you are worthy enough to be here. No matter what anyone else says, you'll always be the brave, handsome, unbeatable Roman we all know and love. You'll always be my hero." Roman sobbed into my chest at these words. "I love you dad" he said, crying harder. "I love you too Kiddo." It will take a while to sort things out, but hopefully everything will be okay in the end.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. PEACE OUT 🌈♥️🌈♥️🌈♥️🌈!!

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