Mi Amor - Logince

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Warnings: Slight angst, blood, character death, tell me if there's anything I missed.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay Logan" Roman murmured, holding his boyfriend close. There was a knife in Logan's chest, and the blood was spreading quickly. "R-Roman, it hurts" Logan choked out, tears of pain in his eyes. "I know Logie, it's all gonna be over soon" Roman said softly, tears in his eyes, threatening to spill. Logan smiled softly at him and held onto Roman's hand. "I l-love you Roman" said Logan, his voice becoming quiet and slurred. "I love you too Mi Amor. So, so much Logan". Roman was beginning to cry now. "D-Don't cry love". Logan was starting to cry again. "Goodbye Roman" said Logan, closing his eyes. "Logan? LOGAN NO! SOMEONE HELP!"

Roman woke up in tears at the memory of the dream. "NO! LOGAN NO!" He pulled on his hair in a panic. "Roman! Roman, it's okay! I'm okay, see!" Logan held onto his boyfriend, rubbing circles into his back. "Logan! You're okay!" Cried Roman, hugging Logan. "I- you were dead, a-and I-". Logan cut off Roman's rambling by kissing him softly. "It's okay love, I'm not going anywhere, not anytime soon" Logan smiled softly at Roman. "I love you Mi Amor" said Roman, kissing Logan's cheek (not that cheek ya nasties). Logan smiled. I love you too".

Sorry for not updating in ages and I just couldn't kill  any of my darling babies. (Logince is my OTP). Requests are still open!!

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