Chapter Seven: The First Day

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“Welcome to the N.E.W.T level History of Magic course,” Professor Binns began in his dull drone. “Open your textbooks and turn to page one.”

  Madison looked around and didn't see any truly familiar faces. In fact, as Madison counted around the room, she found it only had six people and that was including herself. Two of them were Ravenclaws, Two were Gryffindors, One was a Slytherin, and then there was Madison, the lone Hufflepuff.

  This was surely going to be a quiet class.

  When she left her History of Magic class, Madison crossed paths with Harry and Ron in the corridor.

  “Hey Madison,” Ron said.

  “Hey guys,” Madison said, suddenly realizing she hasn't seen them very much this summer. She lived above the shop and didn't get to spend the usual time with them.

  “Where're you headed?” Ron asked.

  “Defense,” she answered, holding up the class textbook, Confronting the Faceless. “How ‘bout you guys?”

  “Same place,” Harry said.

  “Well at least we can all suffer Snape's torment together,” Madison pointed out, “but I don't know. Maybe it won't be so bad. Snape finally has his dream position.”

  “It's Snape,” Ron said, “it'll still be bloody awful.”

  “You're probably right,” Madison said. “Oh Ron make sure you get the stuff from the shop.”

  “What stuff from the shop?” Harry asked.

  “Some stuff that Fred wouldn't let me just have. He wanted three Galleons, nine Sickles and I didn't have it,” Ron said, “No family discount, I guess.”

  “So I just gave it to him since that isn't going to break the bank,” Madison said, “and he never noticed. Or he noticed and never said anything.”

  “I don't care cause either way, I get my stuff,” Ron said.

  “Looks like the place,” Madison said as the group approached Hermione who was already lined up outside the door while balancing a load of books.

  “Ew,” Madison said with a scrunched up nose, “that looks like homework.”

  “It is!” She exclaimed. “We got so much homework for Ancient Runes. We have to do a fifteen-inch essay, Two translations, and a reading. No telling how much more we'll have.”

  “That's what happens when you take seven N.E.W.T level classes,” Ron pointed out.

  “I'm taking seven N.E.W.T classes,” Madison said quietly.

  “What in Merlin’s beard possessed you to do that?” Ron asked, “I thought you cared about rest and relaxation.”

  “I'll have plenty of time for rest and relaxation, if I manage my time properly,” Madison said. “Besides some of these classes should be a breeze. My first class only has five other students and Professor Binns didn't assign a scrap of homework.”

  “Professor Binns?” Ron asked, mouth agape, “you voluntarily took History of Magic again?”

  “Yes,” Madison said, “it's actually incredibly interesting compared to what students learn in muggle schools.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “It's true.  All of these subjects are more interesting than Muggle school.”

An American Fangirl at Hogwarts 《3》 of the ☆Ink and Pixels series☆Where stories live. Discover now