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Chapter 6: Have We Met Before?
written in kang hyeseul's pov

"A car accident for our first encounter? Ugh! Just why did I have to meet him like that?!" I nearly cried, pulling my hair out of frustration and annoyance as I sat at our dining table.

After almost an hour of driving, my brother and I are now at home, about to have a late dinner together after washing up.

"Was it that bad?" Hyejoon asked, blowing gently on the soup in his spoon to cool it down.

"It's not just bad! It's horrendous!"

Worriedness, regret, and frustrations vanquished my heart as we talked about Hyunjin, the man I almost hit.

"It's just a near miss, Seul. Plus, it's not like you wanted that to happen."

I shook my head, completely disagreeing with my brother.

"As you've said, it's a close call. I may not have damaged him physically, but I'm well aware that I did cause some harm; mentally and emotionally."

"What do you mean?" Hyejoon asked with a slight frown on his face.

"He was scared to death... You should've seen his state that time because based on my observations, I either caused a trauma or triggered one." I thoroughly explained, relying on human psychology.

"And about me not wanting that to happen doesn't make sense. I drove despite being under the influence of alcohol. I was well aware of the consequences, but I still chose to start another rebellion."

I shook my head as I began using the ladle to pour some soup into my bowl, extremely disappointed with myself.

"Jeez, I should've accepted your friend's offer to drive me home. He warned me about those accidents. Why didn't I listen?"

My brother heaved a loud sigh, eyes fixed on me as I taste his homemade kimchi stew. If not bland, the foods he cooks are always salty.

I shook my head, forcing myself to consume the meal in front of me since I don't want to waste his efforts and the food itself.

"What's happened has happened. I'm glad you're reflecting on your actions, but we can't rewind and turn back time. It's such a relief that both of you are safe. It could've turned into a huge accident, you know?"

I could only heave a sigh, silently staring at my soup until my brother decided to speak.

"What are your plans, though? Will you still apply to HYUN.E?" He asked.

After hearing so, I immediately grabbed a knife from the table, slightly raising it as I give him my deadliest glare.

"Seriously?" I asked in an irritated tone, looking so done with him.

"Why? Don't you want to work there anymore?"

"After what happened? Of course, I do!" I sarcastically said, too pissed with him right now.

Jeez! Is he trying to make me feel worse?

"You shouldn't worry too much about Hyunjin, you know? There's a low possibility that you'll see him at work anyway. Most CEOs focus on their main branch. He's probably just here in Korea for the official launch next week." Hyejoon explained, justifying his point.

"We're not even sure if you'll qualify, so don't worry too much about meeting him." He mischievously added, letting an annoying chuckle escape his lips.

I, on the other hand, could only shake my head, way too serious about this case.

"What if the CEO himself interviews the candidates? Don't you think I'm doomed?" I anxiously asked, crossing my arms over my chest with a slight frown on my face.

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