Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling and her publishing company do. I don't own the idea of the story, Hufflepuffpride13 does. If I use any photos, they belong to Google or Pinterest, not me.

Warnings: Bxb, mentions of dark themes, mentions of violence, gxb and a few others.

Ships: Ronmione, FredxDraco, GeorgexCedric, Tomarry/Harrymort (way later), SnapexBellatrix,Wolfstar.

Beta Reader: genderisirrelevant

Third POV

Hadrian Potter took a seat an empty compartment. He healed himself wordlessly and wandlessly. He had narrowly escaped another one of his 'loving' uncle's beating. Hadrian pulled out his book on the dark arts he bought in Knockturn Alley. That's right, Hadrian wasn't a golden boy. Hadrian was fascinated with the Dark Arts. He knew more dark hexes and spells than he could list. He knew over 1000 and counting. Hadrian knew more dark hexes and spells than the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort put together. Hadrian was called Harry by the 'light' wizard he had met so far and he hated that awful nickname.

Only a few feet away stood Ronald Weasley. Ronald's older brothers, minus Fred and George, neglected him. And Charlie was never home, as he moved to Romania to study dragons. They never beat him, they just never paid attention to him. Ronald was engaged in Dark Arts. He always wondered why his people gave up the Dark Arts for those stupid 'Light' Arts. Why would people stop worshipping and making scarifies for the Goddess of Chaos in the name of 'Light'?

Then, there was Hermione Granger. She was bullied at school, just like Harry. Her parents never wanted children and she was an accident. Her parents were too busy with work to hear their daughter speak her first words. They didn't see her first time walking, nor her first case of accidental magic. Hermione loved knowledge. She craved it. After one look at the school textbook, she headed into Knockturn Alley. She bought two books on the Dark Arts. The three ended up sitting in a compartment. They bonded immediately. The did a Blood Pact Hermione had told them about, which bonded them until they all broke it. They had so much fun discussing the Dark Arts. They all agreed, they wanted to be in Slytherin.

"Well, if it isn't a bunch of mudbloods and blood traitors?" Came the voice of Draco Malfoy.

Harry wandlessly and wordlessly sent one of the strongest 'dark' hexes Ron and Hermione had ever seen. After that, no one entered the trio's compartment, not even the trolley lady. The trio got off the train and boarded the boats. After the rather boring boat ride, the three stood in line waiting to get sorted. The real story begins during the sorting.

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