Chapter 8: The King

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(Disclaimer! This chapter was written in some other story, I just changed some bits. I don't remember who the author was or what the book was called, so when I do I will credit them. For now, I hope you enjoy!)
(Edit: I found out what it's called! The original chapter was written by Little.Miss.Xanda on, it was republished by named_Noah on Wattpad. The story is called 'The Rise Of A Dark Lord'. Enjoy!)

Third person POV

Seeing that it was almost curfew the trio packed their things and left the library. They made their way to the common room, said the password and entered. As soon as they went in Hadrian knew that something was different. He signaled Ron and Hermione to get out of the way. He felt a shiver of anticipation go down his spine and discretely looked around the room. He immediately noticed that no Slytherin first years were present. The second thing he noticed was that the common room was divided in two, it was nothing obvious, but for someone who was looking for it, it was noticeable. The third thing he noticed was a group of seven older boys that were separate from both groups, they had cruel smiles on their faces and were looking at him with contempt and hate.

Hadrian knew immediately what it was about. Apparently some Slytherins weren't going to let them continue their lessons in peace, something that irritated him. Now he only had a matter of seconds to decide how he were going to react and how he could make it so that the situation could be used to be to their advantage. He only had a few moments to decide how he wanted them to perceive the trio, sweet and innocent, or dark and dangerous? Or anything in between, really. The trio could make it work for themselves no matter what he used, he just had to decide which one would be more advantageous.

Before he could think more about it the seven students were in front of the trio. One of them shoved him against the wall, making his head hit the stone and leaving him a bit dazed. Two of the boys held his arms and two of them held back Ron and Hermione. The other three made a barrier in front of him. Hadrian recognized the boy in the middle, it was a sixth year named Justin, he had a nasty smile on his face and Hadrian was sure that he was the leader of this little gang.

"I think it's time that you and your buddies learn how things work around here Potter," he said in a tone that Hadrian had no doubt Justin thought was menacing, Hadrian had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, it was completely ridiculous, "It's time that you learn where your place is. Your ridiculous trio are nothing more than one disgusting half-blood, a f**king mudblood, and a blood traitor, who shouldn't even be allowed in to Hogwarts much less the noble House of Slytherin. You trio are worth nothing. Your place is at my feet, licking my shoes, it's the only thing you're useful for. And you are going to learn that, one way or another."

Justin and his two friends took their wands out of their pockets. Before Justin started to speak Hadrian was only going to do enough so that he would come out of this without injury, but now he was angry. They were worth nothing? His place was at his feet? If there was something that he could not tolerate, it was being treated like that, as if he were below them. At Privet Drive they did it because he was different and here they were going to do it because of his origins, at Privet Drive they learned not to mess with him, they were about to learn it at Hogwarts too.

"I see," whispered Hadrian, but everyone in the common room heard him, making more than one student shiver, "and who is going to, supposedly, put me in my place?""Me!" growled Justin pointing his wand at Hadrian. And that's when Hadrian did something that surprised every one of them, (besides Hermione and Ron, they were used to this side of Hadrian.) he laughed. Hadrian laughed and most students felt their blood freeze, it was cold and cruel and nothing like a laugh should be. And when Hadrian lifted his head Justin and his two friends took a step back instinctively. Hadrian's eyes shone with magic and a sadistic smile made his angelic face seem demonic. Hadrian lifted both of his hands, the movement followed by all those present, and put one hand on one of the arms of the boys holding him, the next moment the silence in the common room was broken by two agonizing screams coming from both boys.

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