Chapter 2: The Sorting

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Italics/Handwriting or Letters
(I changed the lyrics of the sorting hat's song.)
Third Person POV

Beta Reader: genderisirrelevant

       The old sorting hat sang a song, not that anyone really paid attention.

"Put me on.
I will tell you where you belong old friend.
Whether it be cunning Slytherin or
honest Hufflepuff
Or wise Ravenclaw or noble Gryffindor.
You could just belong in Gryffindor;
Where the brave and noble dwell.
Or maybe Ravenclaw;
Where the creative and
those who crave wisdom reside.
Maybe Slytherin for the win;
Where those who honor ambition
and cunningness belong.
Or maybe you belong in Hufflepuff;
Where those who value honest,
loyalty and hard work call home.
For we shall't know till you try me on.
So try me on and I will tell you your new houses." The sorting hat sang.

The Great Hall burst out clapping, although half looked dazed.

"First we have Hannah Abbott." The head of the Gryffindor house and Transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall stated.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat yelled.

"Susan Bones," McGonagall called out.


"Terry Boot."


"Lavender Brown."


A girl with long curly hair hopped off and ran to the Gryffindor table, pleased with herself for being the first of Godric's mighty lions.

"Well, this list is all out of order! Padma Patil." McGonagall stated, huffing in what appeared to be annoyance.


A tan skin girl got off the stool, proudly making her way to the Ravenclaw table. She pushed her long, black hair out of her face.

"Parvati Patil."

"Gryffindor!" The hat declared.

Padma's twin got off the stool, making a beeline to the Gryffindor table like she was on fire or something. She gave her sister a small smile after taking a seat at the Gryffindor table.

"Hermione Granger."

Hermione took a confident stroll up to the sorting hat, as if this happened everyday. Harry knew she was a mix of nervous excitement inside, though. She gracefully took a seat on the stool that was provided for the students.

"Slytherin!" The old hat stated proudly.

"Ronald Weasley." Ron looked visibly distressed, from what Harry noticed. He was fidgeting with his vest, rubbing his fingers along the hem. Harry sympathized for his friend. It couldn't be easy trying to make your family proud while staying true to yourself at the same time.


Percy Weasley scowled in disgust. No one in the Weasley family had been in Slytherin for as long as anyone could remember. From what Ron had told them, Percy would write a letter home to their mum. Fred and George smiled and clapped as hard as they could.

"Harry Potter." McGonagall said, a look of awe in her eyes. The Great Hall went silent. Everyone was staring at Harry as he took a step forward. This was especially true for Snape, Quirrell, and Dumbledore. Harry could feel their gazes burning holes into him, could feel their hatred.

"You thought about threatening me?" The masculine voice in his head sounded amused.

Harry internally smirked and shot back, "I had to make sure I would be with my friends."

Harry could hear the hat's chuckle. "Well, you have traits from all of the houses. You crave knowledge, you're loyal to those that are loyal to you, and you have great bravery. But I think you'd do excellent in Slytherin!" The hat shouts the final word aloud.

Harry ignored the three gazes that followed him and sat between his friends. The Hufflepuffs clapped politely along with the Ravenclaws, while the Gryffindor table glared at him and his fellow Slytherins seemed to be a mixture of shocked and satisfied. The rest of the sorting went on, not that Harry was really paying attention anyways.

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