Stay Quiet

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Ship: Michael Langdon x Reader

Warning: Overstimulation

The only sound you could hear was the absurdly loud vibrating coming from between your legs

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The only sound you could hear was the absurdly loud vibrating coming from between your legs. It wasn't so much that it was the only noise, but it was the only one your brain could recognize at this point. Your eyes were securely shut, your skin sweat glazed and your cheeks were soaked with tears. You had expelled so much salt water from your eyes that a small puddle sat on the dark wood of the desk your face was smashed on. The room felt to be a thousand degrees but yet there he sat, inches from you, dressed in an ornate black suit, looking perfectly comfortable in every way. Michael Langdon. It irritated you the way he was able to just sit there beside you, hands busy writing whatever the hell was so important on yellowish white paper. His golden waves fluttered with the ever wild breath you expelled and if it wasn't for the odd "mmmm" that snuck past his plump lips when a sound was heard from you; it was as if he was completely unaware of your presence. Bent over his desk, body bare and hands cuffed behind your back, with a Hitachi Wand expertly secured over your clit. This was all thanks to, you guessed it, Michael Fucking Langdon. He had been edging you from what was probably hours now and you felt more desperate than you where even when the bombs went off. Every part of your body ached from contracting and contorting in an attempt to finally get to your unreachable release. Michael was a master and he wasn't fucking around when it came to the games he played with you.

You whimpered, a low and guttural sound that erupted from deep in your belly when you felt yourself drop into that sweet bliss point where everything seems to slow and you knew the coil wrapped tight in your abdomen was seconds away from snapping free. You were frantically disappointed when just like the hundred times before Michael took notice to this as well and with a simple flick of his pointer finger the vibration stopped, leaving you feeling as if the very essence of what made you-you had been sucked out and all that was left was a shell. You weren't sure how he could tell, maybe it was the way your wiggling and struggling halted to a stop when you hit that standstill moment, or it could be the scent of your pheromones radiating from your aching, dripping cunt. Not that it mattered because either way it left you in the same situation, exhausted beyond belief and brutally furious. You screamed out in desperation and anger, struggling against the invisible force Michael had against your back, as if he were behind you, his ring clad hands pressing you against the desk. The same went for the vibrator and no matter how hard you squirmed or thrashed there was no relief and absolutely no mercy. Mercy was not a word Michael was familiar with.

Your heavy hooded eyes opened a sliver when you heard a "tsk tsk tsk" coming from him.

"If you scream Darling, I am only going to turn the dial higher," Michael spoke in a husky voice that told you even though he was ignoring you, for the most part, he indeed was aroused himself. The idea would have excited you if you weren't so far into a submissive headspace that your only thoughts were on the need between your thighs.

"P-Please Mr. Langdon. God please..." Your words shook with each pant of your frantic breath. Michael chuckled, placing his pen down and slowly turning his attention and those piercing blue eyes on you. His face was platonic and unreadable as it always was, but his eyes trailed down and around your body with an intensity you had never seen from the stunning man.

"God can't help you kitten." He practically purred, his tone rich with seduction and, was that disgust?

"This is all your doing. Maybe you will remember this next you decide to run your slut mouth." The words were venom and they splashed little droplets of refreshingly cool spit across your hot face. Your body trembled with small shock ways and you whimper in response, too wound up in your own head to say words. Michael looked down at you and for a short moment, his face seemed to soften as he raised his hand and grazed one of his slender fingers along your jawline, wiping the salty tears that had pooled there. The chilled metal of his large ring stirring a small gasp from you, weak at the sensation. You basked in the warmth in his eyes as he held your gaze. You knew that Michael's feelings for you were strong but in moments like these, you could see the love in his icy blue eyes. As quickly as he had turned soft, his face hardened again.

"Now Darling, I have quite a lot of work to get done. So if you don't mind, try and keep quiet for me hmmm?" A wicked smile spread across Michael's face as he turned back to his papers and with a flick of his fingers you were once again drowning in pleasure.

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