Happy & Jealous LisaUntitled Part 8

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Lisa was so happy because the dinner went good, This is the first time that she do such thing for a person although she hate Jennie before something changing, Aish! something wrong I should not feel this way I hate her right? I can't fall in love for that little bean

From: Jennie 'Little Bean'

Thank you also for the dinner I appreciate it, Goodnight too.

I felt there's a thousand of butterfly running to my stomach. What is this do i like her? aish! Jennie Kim what the he** you do to me?

Morning comes Lisa was excited to go to work she already on the office early she keep on staring at Jennie's desk she's still not here. Relax lisa relax

A minute later she see Jennie seating on her seat she about to call her but she saw Kai give paper bag a foods to Jennie, And she accept it and smile back to Kai, Lisa felt angry on her she clinch her teeth call someone to buy her foods for lunch, when lunch comes Lisa called Jennie and bring the paper bag Jennie don't have an idea why, When she open the door a lot of delicious foods she saw on the table and Lisa says eat with me, Jennie was shocked what? and says Im with my friends actually and Kai give me this. Lisa grabbed the paper bag and called her friends to eat with them, Jennie drop her jaw when Lisa called her friends including Kai, She was confused why she do that, Her friends enter Lisa's office and they was shocked because there's a lot of foods, Irene and Kai was confused too,

Lisa greet them Hi! since your working hard on my company accept my small treat, Let's eat guys, Kai saw the paper bag that he give to Jennie,

Jennie noticed Kai looking on the paper bag that he give she feel sad for Kai, Jennie whisper to Lisa to get the paper bag Lisa give it to Jennie and she ate it Lisa got jealous about it so she also eat Kai food that made the brunette shocked,

Hey boss that's mine she whisper, Lisa says i know but I want to taste it and also I prepare something for you, and your choosing to eat this? Is not taste good, Jennie rolled her eyes and eat also what Lisa prepared, They finish eating and Lisa asked Jennie to stayed her friends went outside before they go outside Kai says to Jennie that he will wait for her after work so they will go home together Jennie about to say anything but lisa cut her off Im sorry Mr. Kai but I will take her home later because we will finish something later, Kai just nodded then leave.

Jennie was confused by the sudden change of actions of her Boss that look like Jealous.

Jennie asked Lisa 'Hey why you says to Kai that you will take me home? I did not remember that I agree to you to take me home and why did you eat the food that kai give me? Lisa on the other hand feel nervous can't think straight.

Hey! I'm asking you Monkey!

Lisa just startled and got nervous, I'm sorry ok ok I didn't mean to eat and says that to him, I - I just can't stop it, And why is that? Jennie ask, Ahm because fine im Jealous aish..

Jennie was shocked by the answer of the blonde that make her blush and she left her boss, Lisa feel embarrass and sad because the latter just left her and she can't call Jennie because she's shy. The clocked is ticking Lisa is uncomfortable because she don't know how to approached Jennie after what she confessed she keep on glancing on jennie behind the glass and Jennie just look away and Lisa feel sad about it and feel her heart ache, She called Jisso

Hey! Jisso can you accompany me to bar tonight? call the 2 idiots you can bring Rosie I just want to get drunk

Huh? why what happen?

I think she did not like me. This is so embarrassing I hate it, its hurt.

Omg what did you do this time? ok ok see you later loser!

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