「 day 22 」

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august 7th 2019


lovely ❤
i swear we share a class together

charmer 💚
we dont

lovely ❤
i believe we have chemistry together ❤😉

charmer 💚

charmer 💚

lovely ❤
hey i'm curtain

lovely ❤
curtain that we'll be together 😉

charmer 💚
shouldnt rhe guy be the one using pick up lines

lovely ❤
fuck gender roles

y'know my name's y/n l/n right?

charmer 💚

charmer 💚
i can guess what the next line will be

lovely ❤
y/n gaskarth fits better right?

charmer 💚

charmer 💚
got my hopes up there for a second now

i'm jk 😂

lovely ❤
y/n garmadon def fits a whoole lot better 💚

charmer 💚
it would be wrong to disagree

charmer 💚
i thought happiness started with h?

charmer 💚
why does mine start with u?

lovely ❤
probably cause i'm a ray of sunshine

lovely ❤
i lost my teddy bear ):

lovely ❤
can i cuddle with you tonight?

charmer 💚
do you actually sleep with a teddy bear

lovely ❤
yes, his name is captain cuddles

lovely ❤
do you have any more pick up lines?

charmer 💚
are you an angle?

charmer 💚
because youre so acute

lovely ❤
this one is overused

lovely ❤
are you wifi?

lovely ❤
cause i feel a connection

charmer 💚
do your parents bake?

lovely ❤
they used to lol

charmer 💚
cause i was wondering how they made a cutie pie like you ❤


lovely ❤
23:11 make a wish!

lovely ❤
i wish for you to become mine

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