Baby Fever

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"If you don't mind, can I have your number?" a girl asks from the other side of the counter. She's tapping on her coffee cups as her friends grin from a table behind her. 

"Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend," Luke politely declines, turning to wipe down the espresso machine. 

"Oh, sorry," she slinks away. Her friends immediately get up to ask her about his answer, and they leave the shop in a hushed chatter. 

A girlfriend? Luke had a girlfriend? Who? Don't tell me it's...

I run up from behind him, asking, "You have a girlfriend?"

"Holy shit, Wendy. You scared me," he sighs, looking back to see with loose hairs covering my face and my neck craned up, my beady eyes staring at him. 

"You have a girlfriend?" I ask again. 

"No," Luke suddenly takes back his words. "Why are you suddenly interested? You're not the type to be nosy," Luke says, refilling the machine with coffee grounds. 

"Be honest with me...Is it Vivian?" I continue to pursue. 

"What? No!" Luke adamantly rejects the idea. "I just said that so I wouldn't have to give away my number."

"Oh," I nod, slightly embarrassed. "Wait, why not though? That girl was cute."

"I just don't feel like dating," Luke shrugs. "I mean, my last serious one wasn't that great. I mean, maybe I was the only one serious about it."

"You mean Maddy?"

The name strikes something in Luke that causes him to flinch, spilling the grounds onto the counter. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked," I immediately apologize, grabbing a napkin to help Luke clean up the mess. 

"It's fine. Why would you think I'm dating Vivian anyways?" Luke asks, shifting the topic. 

"Oh, no reason in particular," I lie. 

"You always have a reason," Luke insists. "Now, confess!" He grabs a stirring stick and holds it to my neck like some sword. 

"Um, well..."


"I might've seen something on New Years..."



"She was drunk," Luke explains, immediately knowing what event I was referring to. "She thought I was Logan."

"Still, you don't feel anything?"

"Why would I feel anything? Plus, that was a month ago."

"That's why you should be impressed. I had to hold in my curiosity for that long!"

"Get back to work."

"I'm your boss."

"I'm the manager."

"I regret promoting you."

"No, you don't."

"Yeah, I don't," I laugh, throwing away the used napkin and continuing to wipe down the tables. 

As I'm wiping up the tables, I can hear Luke's phone go off. He picks it up an answers. 

"Hello?... Yeah, she's here... What? Really?... Holy shit!...Okay...Okay...What floor?...Okay, now tell me...Okay, got it... Alright, we'll be right there."

"What's wrong?" I ask after waiting for Luke to finish the call. 

"Ally's going into labor!"


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