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Thank you for reading Come by Night! I hope if you made it this far, you enjoyed the story. Those of you who have and continue to support me, I truly cannot thank you enough. Your votes and comments made it possible to finish the first draft in 19 days. I originally wrote this to be a schlock romance, but the story and characters became real to me along the way, and it has been an amazing journey.

If you would like to see a sequel to CbN, please drop a comment here or on Instagram@ayakashi_fox. 

Special thanks to: @Freyja87 @Lila-Mina @Leeanmor4 @Candydemon21 @demonator1d @GilLiane8 @ErinYoung111213 @willokiwrites and to everyone who followed day after day. You are the best!

Thank you, everyone!

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