The Almost People

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The Ganger blinks. Peyton blinks. It tucks a few strands of sandy blonde hair behind her ear, Peyton does the same.

Both she and the second Doctor's skin has transformed into their pale peach hues and now there is nothing that could possible separate Peyton and her duplicate. She knows the Gangers perfectly replicate a living organism, but seeing it done on herself is... extraordinary.

The Ganger Doctor doubles over suddenly and shrieks in pain, causing everyone in the room to jump and Peyton's Ganger to scramble away from his side.

"What's happening?" The Doctor, the real Doctor, asks, a little frightened himself.

"I wonder if we'll get back," the Ganger mumbles, straightening up. "Yes, one day-"

His own scream cuts him off and he throws his head back. "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow!"

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on!" The Doctor calls to his Ganger.

The Ganger launches toward Peyton with his arm outstretched and says in a voice that is much deeper than his own; "Would you like a Jelly-baby?"

He falls back and Peyton feels her Ganger stand a little closer to her side, the back of their hands brushing accidentally. She too is watching on in horror at what the second Doctor is going through.

"Why? Why?" The Ganger screams.

"Why? What?" The Doctor steps forward trying to understand, holding his hands outstretched toward it.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor," the Ganger says, in another different voice. "No, let it go, we've moved on!" He yells in his normal voice.

"Listen, hold on," the Doctor grabs his doppelgänger's lapels. Amy rushes forward but Wicks and Cleaves hold her back. "Hold on, you can stabilise!"

"I've reversed the jelly-baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a... a... Doctor?" He stutters. "I'm the, I can't..."

"No, listen, hold on," the Doctor says, lowering him to the ground.

"No!" The Ganger screams and throws the Doctor off of him.

Everyone in the room is horrified as the creature lets out a blood-curdling scream, its features turning milky white again.

The screaming stops but no-one utters a word, the only noise being the persistent banging on the other side of the fortified door. Peyton and her Ganger both let out a breath at the same time, causing them to look at each other. The Ganger gives her a knowing smile.

The Ganger Doctor limps in a circle, covering his ears with his hands and panting heavily.

Seeing this as him calming down, the others get back to work with defending the doorway, tasking Amy with holding their light.

The Doctor steps forward with his arms held out, trying to keep his Ganger calm while Peyton keeps glancing sideways at the Flesh version of her.

The banging finally stops and the room is quiet.

"I think I like them best when they were being noisy," Buzzer mutters.

"Doctor, we need you. Get over here!" Amy calls.

"Hello!" The Ganger Doctor says with a lopsided smile.

"Cybermats," the Doctor mumbles.

"Do we have time for this?" The Ganger Doctor asks.

"We make time," the Doctor answers.

Peyton and Amy look between each other, quite confused. The red-haired woman runs back to the door when another thud rings out around the room.

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