Beside Lake Silencio, Again

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"Oh my God!" River gasps, looking back toward the lake.

Peyton turns her head too and quickly scrambles to her feet.

"What the..." She trails off.

An astronaut, not a modern one either, is standing in the lake. It seems not to be moving, but how did it get there? Peyton stumbles a step forward toward it, but the Doctor places a hand on her shoulder with an uncomfortable amount of force.

"You all need to stay back. Whatever happens now, you do not interfere. Clear?"

They all nod unsurely but stay by the picnic mat as the Doctor drops his bottle of wine in the sand and makes his way toward the astronaut who meets him on the shore.

It's difficult to see what's going on, the Doctor seems to be taking to it.

It raises its arm and shoots the sand beside the Doctor with a bolt of green energy.

Peyton jumps, startled.

"It can't..." River whispers before everything around them turns to white.

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