Chapter 1

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"Taka-chan!" Izaya shouted as his arms fastened around the girl's slim waist, preventing her from escaping his grasp. "Stay still!" He complained as he fell back onto the mattress, with Takara kicking and protesting in his arms.

"No!" She shouted. "I'm going..." She struggled to speak as she pried for freedom. "... to the couch!"

"But Taka-chan..." He began to whine. "I'm so lonely. Stay with me!"

"No-o!" She accentuated the emphasis of her response. She suddenly felt a cold, wet sensation on her ear and she released a gut-wrenching squeal. "Izaya!" She protested. "You pervert!"

"I'll stop if you stay with me. I won't touch you the entire night. C'mon, Taka-chan." He pleaded playfully, gently biting the cartilage of her ear.

She squealed again. "Stop!"

Displeased with her response, he began to move his fingers rhythmically against the skin of her waist. She bubbled with relentless laughter upon his action, causing tears to bud in her eyes as she cried out, "Fine, fine! Stop, Izaya!"

As soon as the submissive words escaped her lips, he released her, and she fell to the side exhaustively. Her breathing was heavy as she attempted to calm her racing heart. "Good girl." He commented with satisfaction.

Although she didn't intend to go back on her word, she grumbled, "Meanie..." She climbed to the opposite side of the queen-sized bed and slid under the covers, hiding her flushed cheeks as she laid facing away from him.

The two had been engaged for two and a half months, and the girl refused to lie in the same bed as him for even a singled night, whether that meant she slept on the couch or not. Izaya continuously begged for her to sleep beside him, but she would always decline, until that night where he had forced her to share the mattress. She could tell he had no ulterior motives at the moment, and that wasn't what bothered her about lying next to him.

Takara's mind was occupied with the constant reminder that in less than a year, this would be a daily routine -- sleeping with Izaya. She still knew she loved him; that wasn't the issue either. She just could never particularly imagine herself married, no matter who her groom happened to be.

Although she didn't face him, she could tell that he was looking at her. "I'm okay with not doing that kind of stuff." He mentioned, and the girl's face became ferociously red upon hearing his words. "I'm not going to push you for it, either."

"Shut up." She grumbled, feeling extremely embarrassed by the situation.

"I just wanted to let you know that it has nothing to do with that." Izaya spoke softly and gently.

"You don't have to speak of sex like I'm a child." She retorted.

"I guess I'm just not as bold as you, Taka-chan." He chuckled lightly.

Still feeling defeated, Takara pulled the thick covers over her head in attempt to escape the conversation.

Seeing this, the young man frowned. "You don't have to tell me why if you don't want to, but I do feel like you're avoiding me. I mean, we even slept together before you became my fiancée, so..."

The girl's heart churned as she listened. She felt guilt rise into her throat as she heard the pain in his voice. Quietly, she muttered, "I'm not avoiding you." She finally turned, meeting his auburn gaze with honest, hazel eyes. "It has nothing to do with you, I promise." She assured.

Izaya sighed and grinned, clearly relieved. "That's good to hear." Feeling assured by her words, he brightened to his typical, playful personality. "Now, rest up, 'cause I've got a surprise for you tomorrow." He sung happily.

Takara's face twisted into an expression of disgust. "You know I despise surprises."

He nodded, surely knowing her better than anyone else, and gently kissed her forehead. "You'll like this one." And then, as if to honor part of her desires, he turned away from her and laid his head on one of the soft pillows.

"Goodnight, Izaya."


Izaya groaned and attempted to stretch, but a light pressure on his back prevented him from doing so. Slightly confused, he peered over his shoulder, only to find Takara pressed to his broad back with her arms cradled in front of her body.

He smiled and released a quiet chuckle as he rolled off of the mattress. His heart fluttered with anxiousness as he left the room and bounced to his desk happily. He retrieved a manila file that he hid under a stack of papers and examined its contents. Finding the desired tickets, he pulled them from the folder and proceeded to brew coffee for him and the girl.

He placed the two tickets on the nightstand beside a freshly-made mug of coffee and escaped to the leather couch, awaiting her surprise.

Takara woke up not too long after, and immediately discovered the gift he had left on the wooden bedside table. She blinked groggily as she examined the tickets. "Izaya..." She called out tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. "What are these?"

He hummed joyfully and nearly skipped into the room. "What do they look like?"

She took another look over the two pieces of paper. "Plane tickets...?"

"Yes ma'am." He nodded eagerly.

The girl suddenly felt awake and launched upright in the bed. "Plane tickets?!" She shouted in shock. "To where?!"

The young man grinned, satisfied with her reaction. "Bright and sunny California." He proclaimed in his sing-song voice. "What do ya think?"

"Oh my god, Izaya..." She trailed, still in disbelief. She looked at him with shining hazel eyes and a pleased grin. "Come over here, you idiot."

"That's not very nice." Nonetheless, he obliged.

"Well, I don't like surprises, so that makes you an idiot." She insulted, but still took his lean face between her hands. "But I love you." She said and pecked his lips.

"Oh, come on." He complained. "I got us two plane tickets to California, booked a hotel, planned itinerary, and you had no idea, and all this is all I get?"

Takara laughed and laced her arms around his shoulders as he placed his hands securely on her waist. She kissed him again, more deeply than the previous time. "Loser." She mumbled before kissing him once more passionately.

After a few moments, they parted, and the girl looked through the closet as Izaya commented, "You're really condescending when you kiss me..." She could envision the pout he must have worn.

"Not true." She hummed happily and flashed a white smile. "I told you I love you, didn't I?"


"And I am the girl that's wearing this diamond ring..."

Dangerous Love (Izaya Orihara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now