Chapter 4

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Minhee has a feeling something will go wrong since he woke up that morning. He couldn't guess what it would be though, he didn't have any tests that day or any assignments to turn in, the weather was sunny and there were no forecasts of rain, he didn't have any missed calls or panicked messages left on his phone either yet he couldn't shake that unnerving feeling off.

He went on with his day as usual, like any other Wednesday. He took a shower right before Hyunbin could use the bathroom, had a bowl of Jungmoo's favorite cereal as said boy groggily woke up about that time and served himself his own portion sitting down next to him. Minhee had waited for Hyungjun and Wonjin to finish getting ready for their first class since they went to the same building on the campus.

His classes were uneventful, except when he had to intervene between Wonjin and Sihun because he couldn't handle the tension between them anymore and they really needed to do well on the project, thankfully it turned out to be easy to solve and they finally were able to get some work done. By the time of his favorite moment of his Wednesdays, the uncomfortable feeling on his gut got worse but he ignored it because he was about to see Yunseong.

Yunseong and Minhee got together every Wednesday to Friday to have lunch at the cafeteria usually joined by a few of their friends those being Junho, Dongpyo, Yohan and Eusang who also are free at that time. They eat and talk about whatever they can think of, an amicable environment that makes Minhee forget for a while about the ugly feeling on his gut. Yunseong stands up earlier than usual commenting he needs to stop by the school's library before his next class because he forgot he needed to take a book out. Minhee, of course, offers to accompany him, he doesn't have any more classes for the next two hours and Yunseong accepts without questioning him.

Minhee follows closely behind Yunseong as the older browses through the books on one of the bookshelves that are filled with different types and editions of books about the class he has next. He had offered to help him but Yunseong had just told him to not worry and that it wouldn't take long but as minutes pass by he wonders if he should offer his help again. Minhee is left instead to stare at his friend's profile, admiring the focused frown he has on his face as he tries to find the book he needs, his cheeks looking so soft Minhee wants to reach forward and poke them to check if they are.

Unconsciously his right-hand wraps around his left forearm, the sleeves of his shirt only going down to his elbows as he has them pushed back like so, the hyacinths on his skin as vibrant as ever. Touching his flower marks had become a habit without him realizing and he wonders if it's normal, he doesn't see Yunseong reaching to his back ever.

Yunseong sighs in relief when he finally finds the book he was looking for and takes it out the bookshelves sending a triumphant smile towards Minhee who has to hold back from letting out a lovesick sigh at such sight. It's then that they hear a couple of hurried steps making their way closer to them, both glancing towards the direction they're coming from.

Keum Donghyun basically throws himself at Yunseong, his arms looping around Yunseong's neck and pressing his cheek against his boyfriend's. Minhee stares as Yunseong naturally wraps an arm around Donghyun's small waist the other arm busy holding onto his book against his chest. Donghyun must have felt at least a little pain from crushing that thick hardcover book between them but he doesn't show it.

Minhee can't look away when Donghyun leans his head back but only enough to press a kiss against Yunseong's full lips. Yunseong seems to forget about Minhee who is standing right next to them as he closes his eyes and kisses Donghyun back, it's sweet and innocent and so very painful to watch. Minhee's left forearm stings but it doesn't bother him as much as the way he feels his heart fall to his stomach, how he feels he may become sick when Donghyun breaks the kiss and places his head against Yunseong's shoulder facing him, his chocolate eyes staring right into Minhee's with a clear and loud message.

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