Chapter 13

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Wooseok is aware that he should solve the issue with Seungyoun first. He knows its the right thing and the step he needs to take in moving forward and he should not leave his best friend hanging like that. But he's scared, even when Jungmo reassures him it will be ok and a voice inside his mind agrees with Jungmo, Wooseok still feels too scared.

He's not the best with words, he is not like Jinhyuk who can so easily solve arguments between his friends or in his classes with pretty and sincere words -something that Jungmo told him when he once entered a class with Jinhyuk since he's his senior and wanted to have a little peek at what awaits him- or like Sejin who always got things his way after opening his mouth.

Wooseok isn't like them. He can explain tangible things just fine, like that one time in high school he was asked for the meaning behind a drawing in art class that had ended up with his teacher clapping for him and his classmates following her example, but his feelings? He couldn't do those, in case it was not obvious already with the situation he is in.

"Well you're going to have to try," Jungmo tells him once they're outside Wooseok's apartment building. Wooseok had already sent Seungyoun a brief text asking him if they could talk and his friend had accepted, a quick reply as always so that gave him a bit of reassurance. "If you need somewhere to stay tonight call me and I can come to pick you up, the boys wouldn't protest and there's always a place for you in my bed." Jungmo makes sure to add in a wink at the end and Wooseok reaches over to push him playfully by the shoulder, a small smile that he doesn't want to fight on his lips.

"Thank you Mogu, tell them I say hi."


Wooseok rolls his eyes shaking his head but he knows Jungmo is just joking, trying to help Wooseok relax before he goes up to Seungyoun's apartment where the other male is waiting for him. He takes in a deep breath and opens the car's door stepping out, waving one last time at Jungmo before he steps away and closes the door to make his way into the building, Jungmo driving away only when Wooseok is inside.

The minutes it takes for Wooseok to stand in front of Seungyoun's apartment door feel like hours, his heart beating faster and faster until he starts to fear he's going to drop dead at any moment. He tries once again to relax by taking in a few deep breathes but it barely helps.

The door is, of course, unlocked when Wooseok reaches to turn the knob. He sees Sunho's shoes are missing so he knows the older is not inside leaving him and Seungyoun alone. Who would have thought that the day that idea would make him feel sick with how anxious it makes him would come?

"I'm here Wooseok." Seungyoun's voice suddenly calls out from the direction of the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink? I'll bring it to the living room." His offer is so casual, his tone a perfect mask of nonchalantly.

Or it would be perfect if Wooseok didn't know him as well as he does and is able to detect the slight tremor at the end of his sentence. He's nervous too, of course he is. The knowledge of it helps Wooseok relax even if slightly.

"Just water is fine, thank you." Wooseok curses himself at how emotionless his voice comes out but he guesses it is the best at the moment. He sits down on his usual spot on the couch, the sudden thought that it will stop being something usual is one he tries his best to shove back.

Seungyoun walks out of the kitchen with his glass of water and a can of soda for himself. He hands it to him when he sits down next to him, leaving a considerably bigger space than what's normal between them and Wooseok ignores how his chest tightens at it.

Wooseok takes a sip of the water if only to take some time, he is still trying to gather his courage to speak, is still avoiding looking at Seungyoun's face because he fears he will breakdown if he sees into his feline eyes and finds pain in them.

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