Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry you went through all that because of me," Wooseok glances up at him, his phone's screen where he had been texting a whining Jungmo being tilted as his hold on his phone loosens. Minhee takes the straw of his strawberry smoothie into his mouth and looks away from Wooseok's perplexed expression.

"Minhee it was not your fault, Donghyun was being brattier than usual but he came around so don't worry about it," He tries to reassure him but Minhee can't shake the guilt off. Their friendship had brought problems to Wooseok with one of his closest friends, how could he be ok with it? "He actually pointed out I'm good different lately and I own it to you and your advice," Wooseok admits, voice low and soft, his cheeks becoming tinged with pink.

That's something he's happy to hear, he was not close to Wooseok before but he had noticed himself the change on him since he started to accept his feelings for whoever made that gloxinia bloom. Minhee had a theory of who it could be but he didn't dare to try and guess.

The yellow flowers on the back of said male's hand could turn his suspicion into something either sadder or more hopeful. If Wooseok was in love with Seungyeon, his best friend who always looked at him with such bright and warm eyes and the acacias he had were for him then all they needed was a little push in the right direction for their pining to end. On the other hand, if Seungyeon had those acacias for someone else then it would explain why Wooseok seemed to have no intention of confessing.

Or maybe Minhee was just wrong and Wooseok didn't like Seungyeon like that, he honestly had never seen a hint of deeper feelings for him when he mentioned him. If that's the case then Minhee hopes Seungyeon is doing ok with this, as much as he possibly can that is.

Wooseok stays quiet for a few moments, Minhee reading in his eyes that he is pondering if he should talk about something that is bothering him. He opens his mouth and Minhee slightly leans closer in expectation "Actually I think I may-"


Both boys turn to the side where Jungmo is standing, he quickly sits down next to Wooseok leaving almost no space between them taking advantage they're sitting in a booth inside a small restaurant near campus. His arms wrap around one of Wooseok's and he places his head on top of his shoulder, glaring daggers at Minhee with an adorable pout on his lips.

Ah, true, Jungmo is possessive of Wooseok for some reason, not even Jinwoo could get too close to Wooseok when Jungmo was around, Minhee had seen it with his own eyes before. Minhee had been so sure at first that Jungmoo had a crush on Wooseok and honestly the two of them would make a cute couple, both being so handsome would turn them into a couple people would like to see but Jungmo's attachment was more similar to the one a kindergarten kid has on their teacher.

Wooseok turns to look at Jungmo, an endeared smile on his lips that reaches his eyes "Come on now Mogu, Minhee is your friend too right? No need to be jealous," Jungmo turns his face to look at the shorter male, their faces so close Minhee's heart skips a beat yet neither seems affected by it.

"But you've spent more time with him than with me lately~!" Jungmo whines even pulling on Wooseok's arm to make his point. Wooseok chuckles and glances at his still unfinished plate, taking a piece of pancake with his fork and feeding it to Jungmo who opens his mouth without a complain, a smile replacing his pout as he asks for more.

Yep, nothing close to romantic between those two.


They're walking towards the building where both have a class, Jungmo having already gone to his own class on another building after glaring at Minhee some more but his eyes hold no real ill intention behind it, more of a playful warning than anything else.

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