Chapter 7

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Wooseok knows he will need to say something at some point even if Jinhyuk won't pressure him into it but he knows his friend will remain bothered if he doesn't know the reason for Wooseok's sudden tears. He can't just tell him something inside him had snapped when he saw him after the elevator's door opened and his anger had turned into anguish he couldn't comprehend at that moment.

He had still been mad over Donghyun's words, mad because Minhee didn't deserve to be spoken of like that, mad because he felt the insult directed at himself too even when he knows Donghyun didn't intend it for him but how couldn't Wooseok take it to heart? If Jinhyuk had a partner they surely would relate to Donghyun. If they discovered the gloxinia on his neck was because of Jinhyuk they would spite him like that right?

Jinhyuk's fingers massage Wooseok's scalp, his head tucked between Jinhyuk's neck and shoulder. He had already stopped crying minutes ago but Jinhyuk seemed to think it was necessary to keep comforting him like this, his other arm wrapped around him, hand on his hip. Wooseok's hands grab Jinhyuk's forearm on his lap, his body slightly turned to be able to fit more comfortably against Jinhyuk's side.

Is it selfish of him to enjoy being in Jinhyuk's arms right now?

"I had a fight with Donghyun," Wooseok starts, his voice barely above a whisper but with how close they are Jinhyuk is able to hear him perfectly fine and hums in acknowledgment "He was trash talking Minhee, feels insecure about me becoming his friend."

Wooseok leans back when he feels the vibrations of Jinhyuk's chest that signal a silent laugh, he looks up at him confused about what did he found funny of the situation he was in "Sorry sorry it's just Donghyun was not on his senses was he? Picking up a fight with you out of all people, you're not the kind of person to just let your friends get dragged no matter by who," Wooseok's heart flutters at the smile Jinhyuk has on his lips, his eyes shining with something akin to adoration as he looks at him "You said you bonded with Minhee because of your marks right? Donghyun probably realized it a little too late, he'll come to apologize soon enough so try to not be too harsh on him."

The hand Jinhyuk has on his hair moves to brush his hair back away from his forehead and before Wooseok can make sense of what is happening Jinhyuk had leaned closer, his thin lips pressing a kiss right in the middle of Wooseok's now exposed forehead.

Wooseok's hands move as if they had a mind of their own, flying to grab fistfuls of Jinhyuk's shirtfront. He doesn't know what his body was going to do next before he regained control of it if he was about to push him away or pull him closer. Jinhyuk leans back and glances down at him tilting his head to the side in confusion at Wooseok's sudden movement.

He should say something, should let him go, joke about how he's not Jinwoo whose forehead and cheeks Jinhyuk often kisses but he stays frozen, his eyes wider than normal and his face rapidly heating up, his heart beating so loudly against his ears he fears Jinhyuk may also be able to hear it. He can't think of anything else but how Jinhyuk had kissed his forehead so tenderly and the way he sees the confusion leaving Jinhyuk's eyes and something warmer replacing it, his smile turning softer and smaller.

"Cute," Jinhyuk mumbles as if talking to himself. It's not the first time he has called Wooseok that but it is the first time his heart doesn't hurt because of it, no instead it skips one, two, three beats.

Then suddenly Jinhyuk lets go of him, something flashing across his eyes but it goes away so quickly Wooseok can't try to decipher it no matter how much he would have wanted to. He stands up and says he'll get them some ice cream from the freezer asking him to turn the TV on, Wooseok could use watching a movie right now to get his mind off things after all.

Wooseok stays there staring at him as he leaves the living area and goes into the kitchen room. One of his hands moves up to his chest, feeling the way his heart beats strongly against his chest as if it were about to burst out of it.

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