Chapter 6

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"Ok, what the hell Wooseok?" Donghyun spits out the moment he sits down on his usual seat. Everyone on their table turns confused to look at Donghyun and then at Wooseok who just stares at his younger friend with a blank expression on his face. Annoyance quickly makes itself known on his big eyes though.

"I'm older than you kid watch your tone," Wooseok's tone promises he won't play nice if Donghyun doesn't behave and thankfully the other boy cowers in his seat, a pout forming on his lips, the anger he had quickly watered down to something that resemblances a tantrum a spoiled child would pull. Seungyeon had always told Wooseok that spoiling Donghyun so much would come back to bite him in the ass one day.

"So...what happened?" Hangyul is the one to make the question everyone is thinking about. Wooseok lets out a tired sigh as Donghyun crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"He became friends with that brat who still follows Yunseong around!" Seungyeon stops himself from pointing out what he is sure everyone is thinking, that the actual brat is Donghyun but no one wants to further upset him. There are no gaps or offended stares sent at Wooseok and Donghyun is clearly disappointed with the lack of reaction.

Wooseok shrugs nonchalantly and that only makes Donghyun more frustrated "You're the one who left me alone with him when you went and did that little show in front of him," Donghyun opens his mouth as if to defend himself but Wooseok is not done speaking "You went too far, by the way, there's no need to go out of your way to hurt Minhee like that."

Donghyun leans forward as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kim Wooseok, one of his best friends, was defending Minhee from him? Taking Minhee's side? By the tone in his voice, he knows Wooseok is truly annoyed at him for what he did and that just in turn makes Donghyun feel more betrayed.

Seungyeon can read this is not going to end nicely so he tries to intervene "Come on now boys, relax yeah?" He pats the back of Wooseok's hand that lays on top of the table close to him and turns to look directly at Donghyun "There is nothing wrong with Wooseok making a new friend, even if said friend has the hots for your boyfriend it doesn't mean he's helping him or anything." When he finishes speaking and sees the way Donghyun's eyes widen he realizes he fucked up.

"What do you even talk about with him?" Anyone could read the suspicion in Donghyun's tone and anyone could also see how Wooseok was trying to hold back from snapping at his friend. Seungyeon's hand moves to instead rest on top of Wooseok's thigh under the table giving it a squeeze in a silent message of telling him to not let his anger get the best of him. They knew Donghyun was being blinded by his wild imagination born from fear of losing Yunseong to Minhee.

"Our shitty situations. You know him being in love with your oblivious and dense boyfriend and having to suffer through your childish need of marking territory each time you get a chance," The bite in Wooseok's tone makes Donghyun flinch back as if he had been slapped but he keeps their eye contact not willing to lose that fight yet. Sejin who is sitting next to him reaches for his arm in an attempt to make him come to his senses but Donghyun shakes his hand off him.

"Oh poor innocent Minhee~! Do you give him your shoulder to cry on and rub his back? " Everyone tenses at the sarcastic way Donghyun speak at their friend but no one can stop him from continue talking "Miss me with that bullshit Wooseok please, he's the one looking at my boyfriend with that enamored puppy look and I'm supposed to let it pass by just like that?" Seungyeon cringes at the eye roll Donghyun adds in, as if he were trying his best to make Wooseok lose his cool.

"Hey, Donghyun stop-"

"Shut up Seungyeon," Wooseok cuts him off without glancing his way, his eyes instead staring right ahead at Donghyun. "There's no point in trying to talk with Donghyun right now, I'm leaving." Wooseok stands up, his chair scratching against the floor. His eyes are hard and cold as he stares at Donghyun before he turns around to leave the place, Seungyeon ready to follow after him but Donghyun speaks up again, stopping Wooseok on his tracks.

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