Chapter Six

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After spending months always on the move, it was hard to get back into the groove of relaxing. In any case, Meredith didn't want to spend her time home just on the couch. She didn't know when the next time was going to be in Minnesota-- for many reasons and then the largest reason. Either way, Meredith wasn't going to sit by and doing nothing.

Meredith wanted to spend more time with her father, but there was a larger vacation coming up. The rest of the 19 days were all vacation for her really, so it was time to use it before getting back to business.

"Do you have everything?" Meredith asked, coming downstairs.

Harry stood over a suitcase. Thankfully, it wasn't as big as when they were traveling as royals. There were no fancy dresses or suits, and there were especially no tiaras. Her head hurt at the thought of it.

He looked at the open suitcase, having to think what to back for the first time in a long time. "Um... yes?"

Meredith looked in the suitcase. "Where your jacket?"

"It's summer," he argued.

"You're from England. Does it not rain in summer? Is it not cold and windy in summer?"

Harry gave her a look. "You're sassy this morning."

Meredith was sassy every day; it just depended on how much it came out. Walking upstairs, she grabbed his jacket from the bigger suitcases and brought it down. Hers was already waiting for the taking.

When going to Superior, Wisconsin, even in summer, one was supposed to expect that it was going to be rainy and cold. Superior didn't really have a fall and spring. It was mostly winter and some summer. The summer didn't truly start until July. The ice off the lake usually melted fully by the end of May and beginning of June. Maybe they were going to see some ice of Lake Superior too.

In the car, Meredith drove, making her way through the Twin Cities before hitting the road up to Duluth and Superior. It was around 179 miles, and each time, Harry was always amazed by the distance. It was roughly a two-and-a-half hour drive to Superior, depending on how a person was driving. Meredith didn't drive much, if ever, in the United Kingdom, but here, like before, she drove.

They made one stop on the way. At the Kwik Trip, a Midwestern gas station chain, Meredith had to use the bathroom while Harry grabbed snacks. When she came out, she was not impressed by his choices and went around to chose many more, stating that she didn't know what she was going to be in the mood for when the time came. Harry agreed because right now, Meredith had many changes in her appetite.

Harry drove the rest of the way so that Meredith was able to eat. She picked through a bag of pre-popped popcorn and then switched to pickles. Harry had never seen her eat pickles in her life, but suddenly, they were the tastiest thing in the world. Harry had to put down the windows to get the smell out. It still didn't work.

They arrived in Superior, and Harry was glad Meredith told him to bring his jacket. Duluth was sunny and warm, and they entered Superior to the wind and cloud-cover. A smile spread across her face because she knew what it was like. In her first semester here, it had been off putting, but eventually, it gave the town a more homey feeling. Lake Superior looked on, and she had spent so many days and nights on its shores. The days were spent reading, and the nights were spent with bonfires. The best s'mores were chocolate, marshmallow and saltines. Harry was sure that was a pregnancy craving.

Driving through Superior, the town was slowly being rejuvenated. It was going to take time, starting from port town that it once was and moving into a city that was no longer going to be outshone by Duluth. "Duluth is overrated," Meredith said, staring out the window. She watched as her old university came and went, and her old residence hall was torn down. It was probably for the best due to its old age, and while she had fond memories of that place, she also remembered where the paparazzi used to stalk her. Meredith pulled her eyes away.

Life in the Palace (Prince Harry #5)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang