Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I left my apartment at 9 o'clock in the morning. I quickly get dressed in my crew outfit and placed my school uniform inside my personal locker. I tried to smile because surely my boss will fire me this time if I'll continue showing my cold face expression. I do the usual job like getting the orders of the customers and serving them.

"What do you like to order, Sir?"

I asked looking to the slip order.

"Anything will do."

He said. I discontinue tapping the pen on the paper and raised my brow. I smiled forcefully after seeing his bright smile.

"Early in the morning and you're not in the mood again."

He complained while still smiling showing the deep hollows on his rosy cheeks.

"Can I get your formal order?"

I asked patiently this one is a regular customer here so no matter how he annoyed me. I should treat him nicely or else I will lose my job.

"The usual, please."

I nodded and get his payment. I searched for someone who can serve his order but they are busy and some has just arrived. I walk towards his table. He's always alone and never seen him bringing someone with him before.

"Thank you."

He said nicely. I'm about to turn around when.

"Hey... wait."

I faced him again in my forced smile.

"Yes, sir?"

I asked politely.

"I'm Ashton Irwin... And you're?"

He extended his arms to me.

"It's Chloe..."

This guy is taking my time. I accepted his hands and we shake hands. I just realized how small my hands are compared to him. His hands are big but his fingers are long and fine just like a painter's hand. I pulled my hands back to me looks like he has no intention of letting it go.

"Enjoy your coffee sir."

I left him after saying that and continued to my work. I ignored him who habitually looking at me after he sipped his coffee. He left the cafe few minutes after he finished drinking his order. He even got another cup of coffee before he left the cafe taking it home with him. Caffeine addict, I thought.

After my working hours, I take a break and changed in my school uniform. I arrived at school at exact 6 o'clock. I grabbed my book in my locker and put some of my things there and proceeded to my first class.

I'm already tired but I managed myself not to fall asleep in class. I take down some notes so that I can study at home. I tried to concentrate in my class. The professor is sure boring. I don't even get what's the relation of his story in my lessons. Tch. He was just wasting my tuition fee that I was paying to him. He doesn't deserve to get a higher payment.


Here's my annoying block mate again. Mara my block mate the eternal barrower of my school stuff.

"Can I barrow your ball pen, please?"

Ugh. Her puppy eyes were disgusting.

"Nope, sorry you have my new ball pen with you yesterday and you didn't return it."

Her eyes were looking at the left side of her head thinking for something to reason out. An obvious lie, it means you're not telling the truth if you're looking at the left side.

"I forgot it at home but I will surely give it to you tomorrow."

Another false promise, double lies.

"Look Mara, I don't have a spare pen with me now. Maybe others have."

I said and focused on the lessons again.

A/N: Please vote and comment. Thank you. :D

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