Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Hey! Enough, I can’t say anything anymore. Talking with you was so tiring.”

Chloe said while watching the skies. Luke made a little crack laugh.

“Oh really?”

He asked raising his brows.

“Oh god, can you stop raising your brows! You keep on doing that while I was talking with you awhile ago.”

Luke was touching his brows.

“Why would I? I got nice brows.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Yeah... Yeah... Whatever Luke.”

Chloe glanced, watching her wrist watch.

“I think we need to go, and beside the sky was getting darker.”

He nodded.

"Yeah... And I think it will start to rain any minutes from now."

Luke said while looking above the darkening sky. People around them were fixing their things too ready to abandon the park.

"So, what are we waiting for? C'mon!"

Chloe exclaimed and was moving backward while her gaze was still fixed on him. Luke's eyes widened when he predicted what's going to happen next and before he could warn her. She stumbled on the ground.

"Hey! Watch out!"

Luke shouted to the teenage boy who was in rush. He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't stop from running. In few seconds he was out of their sight.

"Are you hurt?"

Luke asked looking on her eyes sincerely and started to search any bruise from her.

"N-no, I think I'm fine."

Chloe said and smiled bitterly. She tried to stand up and Luke automatically helped her.


She cried and falled down again.

"I think you twisted your ankle."

Luke said scanning her ankle. She was wearing her gladiator flats so it's easy to see her reddening ankle.

"You leave me with no choice but."

Chloe's forehead wrinkled.

"But what?"

She asked. Luke kneeled down and tapped his back.

"C'mon, let me give you a piggy back ride."

He said smiling. Luke was showing his dimples and she found it cute.

"A-are you... sure?"

She was a little bit hesitant.


Luke nodded.

"B-but I'm heavy."

Chloe said bashfully avoiding his gaze.

"Oh... Don't worry about it. I'm sure I can carry you in all position."

Luke said half joking.


Chloe exclaimed.

“Just kidding.”

He carried her on his back and Chloe’s face was turning red because of the embarrassment. She wrapped her arms around him lightly. 

"Hey... Are you nervous? Don't worry I'm not going to throw you away."

Luke was joking and she found it weird because suddenly the bratty side of him turned to be a joker. Chloe was wondering if this is what his mother was talking about. Luke's good side.

"I'm not..."

She replied. Luke turned his face and it's only few inches away from her so she look away from him. Silence clouded the atmosphere and it began to rain.

"Oh.. Shit."

Luke slowly muttered. The rain were soaking both of them but Luke couldn't run because she was on his back. He continued to stroll.

"You know what?"

Luke asked breaking the long silence. 


Chloe repeated still frowning.

He take a deep breath before saying anything that makes her curious even more.

"I pity your future children."

Luke said out of blue.


Luke wanted to cover his ears because she was already yelling. He held her tightly. She was changing her position from time to time. Maybe she was uncomfortable with him.

"Why did you say that?"

Chloe was still curious of what he had said.

"They will get nothing from your breast."

Luke said bursting in laughter.


Her eyes widened unconvinced that he had just said that. Luke was so blunt. When she realized it, she grabbed a handful of his blonde hair.


He reacted still laughing.

"You're being mean again."

Chloe said bashfully avoiding his eyes.

A/N:  I'm so sorry for the late update. I'm not inspired that's why and I'm running out of ideas. Sorry too for errors. The grammars are so uncorrect. XD...Thanks for the comments and votes. :)

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