Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Hi, welcome to our home sweetie. This is Hannah my child and you’re going to babysit her while I was out, okay?”

The friendly woman said carrying the small girl on her hand. I think she was 6 years old or seven.

“Hi! Hannah.”

I greeted cheerfully the small kid was looking on my eyes.

“You’re name is Chloe, right?”

I nodded.

“Let me introduce myself to you properly. I’m Lizz Hemmings, Hannah’s mother.”

She said beaming. I smiled to her too.

“Nice meeting you again, Mrs. Hemmings.”

After introducing our self to each other, she let me in inside her house. Then, she discussed some do’s and don’ts for Hannah. I listened carefully remembering every detail so that I can work properly. Mrs. Hemmings left me after the discussion.

I was inside Hannah’s private room watching her playing with her toys. While observing the room I found some story book so I grabbed it and asked Hannah if she like to listen for some story. The child slowly nodded at me. I carried her on her bed with some of her toys so that she will not get bored while listening. I’m not too good with kids but I know how to entertain them. I gained some experiences handling kids when I was still in the orphanage because I babysit them too.

Hannah was cute, sweet girl like her mother but they don’t look alike. Hannah’s hair was auburn and her mother was blonde. She was well behaved and it surprised me because I thought I will handle some bratty kid. I was combing her soft her when the door opened.

“Mum? Where’s my shir__.”

He discontinued saying when he saw Hannah and me looking at him unexpectedly. He was only wearing a towel wrapped on his waist.

“Who are you?”

He asked frowning and he looks annoyed on me.

“I’m the new babysitter.”

I answered still looking at him. After that, he made some displeasing look and closed the door again creating loud sound.

“Is that your brother, Hannah?”

I asked the little girl who was sitting on my lap. She was looking at me for a few minutes but she wasn’t responding so I resume from storytelling.

My day with Hannah was so delightful. She was adorable and a smart kid. I hope I have a sister like her. And I think she put my stress away, being with a child sometimes is a need. After my working hours, I gave her to her mother again. Her mother was working every weekend so she said she needs someone to watch for Hannah. I was glad that she entrusted me with her child.

I asked Mrs. Hemmings if that guy who opened the door earlier was also his child. She said it was her only son Luke. I told her, what happened earlier and what Luke’s manners towards me. She was smiling and said that was her son, a little bit bratty but has a good side on him too if we’ll get along. I laughed and say my formal goodbye to her.

A/N: Vote and comment. Thank you. You can share your ideas on my story, anytime.

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