Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I get up from his bed, looking at him. He was wearing a coat, should I take it off? Ugh, that’s too much of help. After helping him to sleep properly on his bed, I went out his room. The content of his apartment was thought provoking but I ignored it because it’s not right to touch it.

I closed the front door and opened my apartment. Sitting on my sofa, I realized that I was still holding the key of his apartment. Whatever, I’ll return it tomorrow his weight drained my energy.

I’m about to lie down on my bed when I automatically turned my gazed outside the window. The shadow was there again, or it’s only my imagination again? I get up on my feet looking for my slippers. Then, I looked outside. Yeah right, I’m being paranoid again.

I’m imagining a lot of things that was so unrealistic. Calum, standing outside the apartment building? That was a joke, he won’t do that. It was really impossible, I think he don’t even like me. Maybe he found me, the annoying type of student.

During the past few days, I was busy with my work on the cafe so I’m hardly talking with Ashton. But he took a chance and gave me a letter after he left the cafe. It was written there that he wants me to invite in a friendly date. Ashton was really sweet so I responded to his invitation by texting him.

I’m back to my part-time again. Hannah was learning something from me these past few days. She knows how to read and write some basic words now. No doubt she can do it in short period of time. She’s a fast learner and that’s amazing for her age. Mrs. Hemmings came home earlier this afternoon but the little kid was still sleeping on her small bed.

“I think I wore her out, I’m teaching her some basic words earlier.”

She put her bag on the side table of Hannah’s bed caressing the child’s fore head. I smiled warmly, thinking if my mum did that before when I was still a kid. But I know deep inside she didn’t.

“Thanks honey, it’s so nice of you to be patient with it.”

I smiled back at her. We talk some things about Hannah. Mrs. Hemmings is so honest and she said something that made me startled. The opening door distracted our conversation. It’s Luke on his moody face expression. He directly walks towards us and stopped in front of me. Wow, what’s the problem of this brat?

“Mum, can I borrow her for awhile?”

Luke asked looking to her. What?! Borrow me? I’m not a thing! His mum looks a little bit confused.

“Why? She’s going home after few minutes.”

I look like an idiot watching them talking about me.

“I just need her to come with me in the convenient store.”

And after that, without permission from me, Luke grabbed my wrist. I can’t catch up with him, it feels like he was dragging me.

“Hey, wait.”

The only words to come out on my mouth after the long distance we travelled, he glanced at me staring sternly and it made me speechless.

“Stop talking and just follow me.”

I didn’t move and we stopped from walking. Luke released my wrist from his grip.

“Why are you doing this?”

Following him is against my will. Luke stared at me and rolled his eyes.

“I said earlier that you’ll going to come with me in the convenient store. Seriously, do you understand what I had said?”

The sarcasm was on his voice and I really hate sarcastic people.

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