Chapter 1

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It's been two years since the first story, so that would make Frank 32

It's been two years since the first story, so that would make Frank 32

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And Gee is 23

And Gee is 23

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Gerard groaned as he rolled over. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry. He didn't recognize the room he was in, nor the man that laid passed out next to him. All he knew was Jed asked him to go home with this guy and in his drugged haze he didn't question in.

Fucking Jed. His idiotic drug dealer boyfriend. He met him about a year ago but he didn't have it in him to leave. He didn't like being sober. Being sober meant thinking about Frank.


It had been almost two years since Frank walked out and no matter how many times Gerard tried to call or see him, Frank had effectively cut himself out of Gerard's life. It hurt. It hurt so fucking badly that Gerard found solace deep in a drug den.

Running his hands through his messy red hair, Gerard got up and started getting dressed, limping as he went. That guy last night was way too fucking rough and he left several marks on Gerard's body, but he didn't want to see them. He needed to get out of here and get back to Jed. He was far too sober for his liking.

After finding all his clothes, he stumbled on the sleeping mans jeans, pawing through them until he found his wallet. Next to his ID was a fairly new photo of the man with a beautiful woman and two young kids. Gerard scoffed. of course this piece of shit would be cheating on his lovely wife with some young fuck toy. Also inside the wallet was several hundred dollars. Gerard grabbed the cash and stuffed it into his tight jeans, flung the wallet to the floor and walked out.


Frank was also just waking up as well but he lived a much different life. After leaving Gerard, he poured himself into his business, expanding his empire. He thought about Gerard all the time and figured he was dating some handsome young man who was giving Gerard the world. Those thoughts made his heart ache but it was better then Gerard potentially being killed because of Frank.

Frank never dated. He paid the occasional prostitute but he was never interested in giving his heart to anyone else. He figured it was because deep down, Gerard still held it. Many nights he was lonely and thought about calling Gerard, just hearing his voice, but when he finally got the courage to make the call, Gerard's number had been disconnected. It's for the best he figured.

Things were still a little tense with John Castelleneta but they both stayed in their respective territories. Frank wanted to ask John about Gerard but they hardly spoke as it was. It wasn't like Frank had time to really socialize anyway. There was a recent issue with some of the drugs dealers and using not paying and Frank needed to get a handle on it.

The largest dealer was named Jed Wilson. He was scum under the earth on a good day and Frank despised him. He had a tendency to lower the price for himself and his buddies, or "forget" to collect money altogether. Normally he wouldn't have even ended up on Frank's radar but over the last year he had amassed nearly $30,000 in debt to the Iero mafia family. And Frank couldn't ignore that. He had sent his men to find this tweaker and bring him to Frank.

After stretching his stiff limbs, Frank stood up just in time for a swift knock at the door.

"Frank?" Ray called out. "We may have a lead on your Wilson guy".

"Alright, fuck I just woke up let me take a piss" Frank groaned as he made his way into the bathroom. Frank rarely smiled since Gerard. He was angry and frustrated all the time that he never found much to smile about anymore. After finishing his business, Frank pulled on a black tee shirt and jeans, making his way down to his office.

"Alright Ray" Frank sighed. "What do you have?"

"One of our informants have arranged a deal inside Candy Canes" Ray spoke. Candy Canes was Frank's strip club and he found himself there more and more frequently. Not because he was being attracted to woman, mostly because he didn't have anything to come home to anymore.

"Sounds great, arrange for us to be there" Frank said unenthusiastically and Ray walked out. He used to spend this days watching a gorgeous boy giggle, with the body of an angel. Now he goes to strip clubs and waits for rogue drug dealers. He really hoped Gerard had found a better life then he had at that moment.


Gerard stumbled into Jed's shitty apartment. It was above a bar because Jed said it was the best place to be for the clients. The place was a pigsty, Gerard having given up trying to keep it clean months ago. Most of the shit was Jed's anyway. Opening the old fridge looking for food, Gerard chuckled bitterly when he saw it was empty. Jed had the money, it was his job to keep something in here or at least give money to Gerard, something he rarely did. That's why Gerard was so skinny. Well one of the reasons anyway. That and the drugs. Gerard's drugs of choice were cocaine and ecstasy. They kept him out of his head.

Gerard turned and meandered his way towards their bedroom. They didn't have a bed, Jed being too cheap to buy one. Just a mattress on the floor. Not surprisingly, Gerard found Jed passed out. Even less surprising was the random dude passed out next to him. Jed didn't see this as cheating, he saw this as "payment". If a druggie didn't have cash Jed would let them pay in other ways. Gerard once asked him how he would pay whoever gave him to drugs and Jed's only response was "mind your fucking business".

Gerard kicked the side of the mattress Jed was on, jarring him again

"Get up asshole, there is no food".

"Fuck you Gerard" Jed groaned.

"No, that fucking idiot who's car you tried to steal took care of that for you" Gerard sassed back. "I can see me not being home caused you to cheat. Again."

This was the same cycle. Jed cheated, Gerard caught him, left in anger until Jed found him, promised Gerard it meant nothing and wouldn't happen again, then they would start all over. Really Gerard was never mad about it. He didn't love Jed. The first few times were painful but after that Gerard just became numb. But the process of events was a good way to get Jed to be nice, even if for only a little while.

"Fuck you, Jed, I'm out of here" Gerard said nonchalantly as he grabbed a semi clean shirt from the floor and walked out. Gerard faintly heard Jed call after him but he didn't stop. Gerard knew Jed needed him more then he needed Jed. It became clear that Gerard was just a sex object for Jed to whore out for quick cash. For a drug dealer, Jed was always broke.

Gerard figured he would go find Lindsey, his favorite dancer at the Candy Cane. She tried so hard to save Gerard, until she realized he didn't want to be saved. So for the time being, she would give him a hot meal and a soft bed whenever he needed it.

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