Chapter 18

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Buckle up, buttercups. It's about to be a shit show


Jed looked like hell. He clearly had spent the last few days in a drug induced stupor and telling from the bloodshot eyes and sudden confidence towards a very angry looking mafia don, he was still pretty high.

"How lucky am I that I get to bump into the two love birds" Jed's booming voice rose.  But the chances of many people hearing it were slim and as much as Gerard tried to save face, he was becoming frightened.

"We had a deal" Frank growled. "It's just too bad you'll have to send two other people down the same fate as you". Slowly Frank began moving his hand towards the holster that he had tucked under his shirt concealing his gun under his arm.

"Oh I really wouldn't do that if I were you. All your secrets will come flooding out" Jed said with a crooked grin. Gerard looked up at Frank in confusion. Secrets?

"You want to talk about secrets?" Frank smirked. "You are far from an innocent man". Gerard watched a flash of fear dance across Jed's face before he composed himself. In a quick fluid motion, Frank pulled the gun from his holster and pointed it at the two men standing a few feet away from Jed.

"Leave if you know what's good for you!" Frank yelled. The two men looked at each other then back at Jed before turning on their heels and sprinting away. "I don't like witnesses" Frank smiled wickedly at Jed as he slowly aimed the gun at him.

"Frank!" Gerard's voice cut in. "For gods sake put that gun down before someone sees it and you're arrested." Gerard had a point. Those crooked cop bastards would arrest Frank for anything at this point. He needed to regain control of the situation before something bad happened. Frank slowly lowered his gun but refused to holster it just yet.

"Alright you stupid fuck. Why don't you tell Gerard all about your life. Your real life. You said you loved Gerard but he doesn't even know your name" Frank smirked and Jed's head lowered a little. Gerard glanced between the two men trying to ascertain what was happening.

"Oh, you don't want to? Fine. Honesty is always the best policy. Gerard, this man's name is Jeremy Martins and he is a member of the FBI. Well, was. He was assigned to you to try to get to your father and me until his dumb ass got tangled in the drugs. He was fired after failing a random drug test."

Gerard furrowed his brows. When he first met Jed he was a well cut man with a gorgeous smile. Now he looked at Jed and he was skinny and dirty. Gerard winced as he put the pieces together. He was so desperate for love and companionship after Frank that he ignored the signs about this gorgeous man who was pursuing him.

"You lied to me?" Gerard whispered.

"I did my job" Jed grunted back.

"Clearly not, that's why you are out here and not in that spacious apartment you used to live in when you started at the bureau" Frank cut in. Jed's head shots up towards Frank and his eyes grew dark.

"Yeah, I took advantage of him. I didn't need to fuck him or fuck with his head but I did. The difference is I know I'm a piece of shit. You on the other hand come off as very eloquent when you are equally a piece of shit." Jed growled.

"Honesty is the best policy, isn't it? Why don't you tell him the truth, Frank. Tell him your dirty little secret." Jed seethed. When Frank failed to make a sound, he continued. "Tell him about her. About Jamia."

"W-What about her?" Gerard stuttered, confused on how quickly this conversation was moving. He felt a knot forming in his stomach.

"Come on Frank, tell Gee all about her. Better yet, tell him she's back". Gerard's face went blank.

"Back?" He asked breathlessly looking between the two men. "No, she can't be back. She-she's dead. You told me yourself."

"I told you I didn't know what happened to her" Frank sighed.

"But now you know... come on Frank just tell me the entire fucking story for once instead of me getting it piece by piece!" Gerard heard himself yelling. Frank sighed again.

"Tell Gee how long she's been back, Frank. Oh just wait Gerard you're going to love this". Frank could only glare at Jed.

"Jamia got in touch with me about three months after we started dating. She told me I needed to come immediately so I went to Italy to visit."

"You- you told me that was a business trip. You were gone for fucking two weeks fucking somebody else?!" Gerard was starting to hyperventilate and he just wanted to disappear.

"No, you don't understand. She has my son, Gerard." Frank pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She told me about him early into our relationship.  Apparently after the raid she fled to Italy to be safe from retaliation. Turned out she was pregnant. She called me after the baby was born, so I went to Italy to meet him. Baby Gio" he said with a sad smile on his face. "I didn't know how to tell you so I just ... didn't. For the sake of Gio we tried to get married in Italy. I intended to bring them both back and ... and break up with you. Jamia had my heart.  But before I came back to the states I learned our marriage was void because of some Italian law that says I needed to be a citizen for so long. I didn't have the time to stay so I came home. Before we could pursue marriage again, I fell in love with you. I fell head over heels for you, Gerard, so I told her I didn't want to marry her anymore. She took Gio and refused to let me see or even talk to him. It destroyed me. Two months ago she showed up on my doorstep saying the only way I would be able to see my son would be to marry her. She wants to be a US citizen so badly but I know once I do she will take Gio and disappear somewhere in the states. I've been spending my time since then trying to string her along and see my boy while trying to figure out how to get custody of him." Frank looked like he was about to cry talking about his son but Gerard's brain was slowly catching up.

"Oh my god" Gerard was panting and his head was spinning. Frank fucking married someone while they were dating. It wasn't the nauseous feeling anymore, it was real. Gerard fell to his knees and threw up all over the ground as his body shook and his tears poured out. After several moments, Frank crouched down next to Gerard and gently rested his hand on the younger's shoulder. Gerard shrugged it off as he struggled to stand back up, his legs trembling violently, threatening to give out.

"Just please tell me the truth. Did you cheat on me? Did you have sex with Jamia or anyone else for that matter starting after our first date?" Gerard spoke barely above a whisper. He didn't want to know yet he needed to know. Frank's gaze dropped to the ground for a long moment before nodding a little. Gerard scoffed.

"But it was early in our relationship Gerard please understand. I was confused and honestly thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't want to call and break up with you over the phone so I figured I would wait and do it face to face but the minute I saw your face I knew that I was falling for you." Frank was grasping at straws as Gerard slowly began backing away from both men.

"I just want a normal life with normal people and I fucking have you two" Gerard spat before turning around and running as fast as he could into the darkness of the night.

"Gerard!" Frank called, but he couldn't will his legs to move and run after him. Frank put his face in his hands as he fought back more tears.

"At least my work is done" Jed mumbled smugly. Jed. His voice, his face, just his being was enough to throw Frank into a wild state of mind. Standing abruptly, Frank aimed his gun at Jed again.

"Gerard hate me because of you" Frank whispered.

"No" Jed laughed. "He hates you because of you".

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