Chapter 15

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Once back at the house, Jeanie had prepared lunch for the couple. After Lindsey insisted she deserved a meal because she carried some of Gerard's stuff, they all sat around the table eating soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Lindsey talked their ears off about anything and everything, and every so often, Frank would catch Gerard staring. Once they made eye contact, Gerard would blush and look away. It definitely didn't help the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

As they finished up lunch, Christa came by and Gerard introduced her and Lindsey. This gave Frank an out, as he slipped quietly through the kitchen door. Finding Ray sitting in the den, Frank grabbed him by his shirt and practically dragged him into his office, slamming the door behind them.

"Alright Frank, what's wrong?" Ray queried. When Frank needed to get something off his chest, he started to act like this. Ray made himself comfortable on one of the plush chairs as he watched Frank pace back and forth like a wild animal trapped in a cage.

"Gerard ... he ... I ... we ... FUCK!" Frank yelled as he grabbed a crystal glass off his desk and chucked it towards the wall, shattering it.

"What happened?" Ray asked, not being fazed by Frank's outburst.

"We kissed." Frank admitted as he leaned heavily against his desk.

"And that's bad..." Ray concluded.

"Yes. Because he's going to get hurt again. He's going to go downhill again. He'll probably die after that heartbreak because I'm such a selfish fuck".

"But the kiss itself, that was good?" Ray was taking a confident angle here, but he had a hunch.

"It was wonderful and magical and everything it always used to be" Frank mumbled as he hung his head.

"But that's bad..."

"Fuck, Ray you don't understand" Frank groaned as he turned to leave, only to be turned around and flung against the wall as Ray pinned him there by his shoulders.

"Do you love him?" Ray asked sternly.

"Do I-what?"

"Do you, Frank Anthony Iero love Gerard Arthur Way?" The two men stared into each other's eyes, both knowing the answer.

"Yes" Frank whispered as he closed his eyes. Ray waited for them to open before he spoke again.

"You love him. He loves you. Fuck everything else. All the rest is bullshit". Ray took his hands off Frank's shoulders and took a step back. "Don't torture yourself over the past, Frank. The next sentence I say to you comes from a very loving place but fuck Frank. Stop being a fucking idiot. In every other aspect of you're life you are meticulous and calculated but when it comes to Gerard you're a fucking moron. Wake up before you lose him forever." Without giving Frank time to think of a response, Ray walked out of the office leaving Frank and his thoughts alone.


Gerard was in heaven right about now. Two dear friends and the man who held his heart all under the same roof. Lindsey had to work that night so Frank ended up driving her back to her place while Christa and Gerard watched a movie. Gerard was dozing off when he figured he should head up to bed. Frank had been gone for some time now, a few hours at least but Gerard didn't worry much. Frank practically ran these streets.

Gerard didn't turn on the light in their bedroom because he didn't need to. He knew his way around the room even in the dark. As he walked to the front of the room to open up the dresser and grab his sleeping pants, he noticed out the window Frank's car was parked. Looking a little closer he noticed Frank standing talking to someone. The person he was talking to was about his height but very close to him. Not quite touching, but very close.

Gerard had an icky feeling in his stomach. Swiftly he left the room and headed down the steps quickly through the kitchen, out the back door and around the corner of the house that had lots of bushes. Was it creepy that he was essentially spying on his ex? Kind of. But Gerard needed to get a better look at this person. Getting closer he could start to hear bits of their conversation and kneeling under a bush and around the corner of the house, Gerard could see.
It was the back of what was certainly a woman with shoulder length black hair and a black coat. Her coat came to just below her knees, where she had black heels and no doubt stockings. She was pacing back and forth a little as Frank stayed still, leaning slightly against his truck. He looked a little annoyed.

"This just isn't fair" he groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You don't have a choice in the matter, Frank" the woman spoke.

"Because you never gave me the choice!" Frank gritted through his teeth.

"Just think about it" she said with a shrug as she turned to walk away. Gerard caught a glimpse of her face and she was beautiful. She had pale skin like his and her hair framed her face in a very flattering way. Gerard almost joked that he and this woman could be mistaken for siblings if they were ever together.

Frank watched the woman climb into her car and leave, and he slowly turned towards the house. Gerard sprinted back around the backyard and into the kitchen, hopping up on a bar stool only moments before Frank walked in.

His face showed stress and worry, but it lightened a little when he saw Gerard.

"Oh hey Gee, I didn't think you would be up"

"Yeah, I uh was thirsty". Frank only nodded, not even noticing that Gerard did not have a drink anywhere near him.

"Are you ready for bed?" Gerard asked with a small smile. Frank holding Gerard every night was a treat all in its own.

"Yeah but would you mind if I slept in the guest bedroom tonight?" Gerard's smile fell.

"It's not you or anything I just have a lot on my mind."

"Oh. Sure it's you're house you can sleep where ever you want" Gerard spoke trying to mask his disappointment. With that, Frank grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked out. Gerard took a few moments to swallow back his hurt before making his way upstairs. Just as he suspected, the guest bedroom door was closed and when he made it to the master bedroom, it was empty. Gerard climbed up into the large bed, burrowed under the covers and tossed and turned all night worrying about what was weighing so heavily on Frank's mind.

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