Chapter 11

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Five days. It had been five days since Gerard started his withdraw symptoms and while there were a couple close calls that Frank nearly called the doctor on, Gerard was finally turning back into his old self. He was awake more than he was asleep now, and he was even hungry occasionally. He had lost a little more weight through that ordeal but Frank swore he would see to it that Gerard gained that weight back and more.

When he was feeling up to it, Frank even walked Gerard out to the garden. The air was colder and he made sure to wrap a thick blanket around him, but the fresh air seemed to help clear both of the men's heads. It was outside in the garden that Gerard met Christa. Seeing as she was dating Ray and Ray still lived there, Christa was coming around more and more. But Frank didn't mind, Christa was nice and kept Ray happy.

"Hi Frank, who's your friend?" Christa smiled. Gerard didn't know Christa was Ray's girlfriend and he became instantly jealous.

"This is Gerard" Frank started simply. He didn't know what to call him. Friend? Boyfriend? Ex? He wasn't sure and for right now it was better to not open that can of worms. "Gerard, this is Christa, Rays girlfriend". She beamed at that and suddenly Gerard understood. He felt a little ridiculous as well.

"Hello Gerard" Christa said warmly as she reached out to shake his hand. Her hand was soft and warm and Gerard melted a little at the innocent contact.

"Christa loves this garden almost as much as you, Gee" Frank continued and Christa nodded in agreement.

"I just love nature" she replied in a dreamy voice. "No matter what happens, these flowers always come back stronger and just as beautiful". Christa patted the spot on the bench next to her to signal Gerard to sit down. They talked a little about their favorite flowers and that morphed into their favorite seasons and favorite foods. Frank felt comfortable enough to leave Gerard in Christa's hands as he stepped back inside to get a business briefing from Brendon and Andy.

Gerard and Christa were outside for almost an hour before they came back in. Gerard's nose was frozen but he actually looked happy. Gerard and Christa ate dinner together and even curled up on the couch watching a movie. If Frank wasn't certain that Gerard was gay he'd be pretty jealous. At about 9, Gerard could hardly keep his eyes open and Frank knew he needed more rest. After saying goodnight to Christa, Frank helped Gerard back up to his bedroom.

"How are you feeling?" Frank asked as he helped tuck Gerard in.

"I'm still kind of sick but it's better" Gerard responded. Frank hummed in response. He decided now that Gerard wasn't violently ill during the nights that he could sleep in the guest room and not have to make due on that chair. Frank was certain he would need a chiropractor after what he's put his back through the past week. As Frank turned to leave the room, Gerard's soft voice stopped him.

"Um, Frank?"

"Yes?" He said as he turned to face Gerard.

"I know we talked about you sleeping in the guest room now that I was feeling better and I know you haven't hardly slept in a bed and really you should be sleeping in a bed because your poor back-"

"Gerard" Frank interrupted gently.

"S-sorry I'm just kind of nervous. Would you ... maybe consider, and if you don't want to it's fine but would you maybe sleep ... with me? In the bed?" Frank was a little confused at what Gerard was asking, mostly because he was rambling and talking a mile a minute. "I just want to be held. It makes me feel safe. I haven't been held since..." Gerard's voice tapered off as he looked down in embarrassment.

It suddenly hit Frank at what he was asking and truly it was what Frank wanted too. He had secretly held Gerard in his sleep a few times this week but this sounded so much more heavenly.

"I would love to" Frank smiled as he walked towards the big bed. Crawling in behind Gerard, he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, tucked his knees behind the others and rested his head against Gerard's back. Gerard sighed in approval. This was everything to both men. Frank's arms were so strong and Gerard's frame was so warm and snuggly. It was only a few minutes before the room was filled with a pair of soft snores.


"Gee" Frank nudged softly. "Come on its time to wake up." Gerard was curled tightly around one of Frank's pillows as he was trying to be resurrected from one of the best nights sleep he'd probably ever had. He didn't want to move, he just wanted to sleep longer but Frank nudging him again told him he should probably wake up. Gerard could only groan in reply.

"Let's have some food, Jeanie made a big spread" Frank said gleefully. Right on cue Gerard's stomach grumbled. "See? I knew it. Let's go, lazy bones" Frank laughed. Gerard only rocked his body side to side once before rolling over and trying to fall back asleep. Frank knew Gerard was a stubborn fuck, hell they both were. But he also knew how to get Gerard moving as well.

"Huh. Ok Gee, stay in bed and sleep the day away. But I doubt there will be any coffee left by the time you come back to life" and with that Frank walked away. Gerard groaned even louder as he tried with all his energy to wake up.

"You are truly an evil man, Frank Iero!" Gerard yelled. Frank only laughed in response as he walked down the hall, knowing he won. Gerard's body may not have been wanting to move just yet, but his brain definitely wanted the coffee and now it would be impossible to go back to sleep.

Gerard finally mustered up enough energy this early in the morning to slip out of bed. Frank had left him a black tee shirt and some gray sweatpants that were no doubt brand new but Gerard wasn't complaining. He changed his clothes and started the long journey from the bedroom to the kitchen. He grumbled angrily the entire way, only voicing his annoyances louder as he approached the dining room.

"A fucking mansion this big should have a coffee machine on every floor but no Frank fucking Iero doesn't-" he was shocked into silence suddenly as he turned the corner and stepped into the dining room, stopping dead in his tracks. Gerard's eyes grew enormous as he took in the khaki pants and white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up on the man in front of him. He suddenly didn't need coffee to wake up this morning as he stared into the sad yet hopeful eyes of his father.

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