Chapter 14

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It wasn't hard for Lindsey to spot the car Gerard was talking about. Besides the fact that there were only about five or six cars in that parking lot, it was the nicest car hands down. As she approached it, the face of the driver came into view and she furrowed her brows trying to ascertain if it was who she thought it was. It's ... yes it's got to be Frank Iero.

"Frank?" She asked as she approached his open window.

"Oh, hey Linds. Kind of an odd place to run into you hear" Frank said with his eye brows raised in surprise.

"Are you Gerard's friend?"

"Y-Yes I am. How do you know-"

"He's my best friend" Lindsey clarified. "Jed used to bring him to the club all the time and we just hit it off." Frank couldn't help the slight crinkle of his nose at the mention of Jed's name. A name he really hoped would be eliminated from this city very soon.

Lindsey obviously knew who Frank was because he owned the strip club. One of her first nights she was being heckled by some drunk asshole who was getting too handsy. Frank saw this and attempted to make his way through the crowded bar to intervene when he watched Lindsey spartan kick the guy right in the chest, sending him flying onto his back.

Frank all but dragged Lindsey into a back office and she was terrified she would get fired. Frank assured her that he would never fire a dancer for using self defense and wanted to commend her for being the kick ass woman she was. It was after this incident that Frank swore he would pay Lindsay whatever she wanted, give her whatever time slots she wanted to keep her around.

"I suppose if you are the friend" Lindsey continued "then I should be thanking you. Do you have any idea how hard I've been trying to get Gee away from Jed and sobered up? That guy is, like, addicted to the drama."  Frank laughed a little at that because yes, Gerard was a little bit of a diva drama queen. Noticing Lindsey still standing there holding bags, Frank realized he wasn't being very much of a gentleman.

"Here" he said, climbing out of the drivers seat. "Let me help you." Frank opened the back seat door and Lindsey set the grocery bags full of clothes on the seat. Then it hit her.

"Wait!" She said loudly, startling Frank. "You're him! You're Frankie, Gee's ex!"

Frank scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well yeah... technically I am".

"Well are you two back together?"

"What?" Frank squeaked. "No. No. No we aren't".

Lindsey thought about what she was going to do for a moment, weighing the pros and cons before deciding to just do it. Pulling her right arm back as far as she could, she punched Frank in the jaw. Hard. Stumbling back at the surprise action, Frank looked back at her with wild eyes.

"What the fuck!" He yelled. Lindsey stepped right up to his face where their noses almost touched.

"You broke his heart, I should have broken your fucking nose. You were the perfect loving boyfriend before you turned into a heartless prick and it destroyed him. But you also helped Gerard out tremendously. Don't  you dare think that you didn't deserve that." She growled. Lindsey deliberately avoided his nose and eye so it didn't leave too serious of a mark. It's probably not smart to punch your boss in the face, but Lindsey was very protective of her friends and after all the nights she held Gee while he cried in her arms about Frankie, she always hoped to smash that dudes face in.

Hearing Lindsey's explanation, Frank agreed that he did deserve it. He wished it would have been Gerard's punch, though because it would have hurt a lot less. But he deserved it. He probably deserved worse but Lindsey was just being nice.

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