Chapter 19

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Gerard ran hard. He ran past people and weaved through cars. He wanted to keep running forever. Unfortunately he eventually needed to catch his breath and had to stop at some corner of a brick building. Looking around, Gerard had no idea where he was. These businesses looked unfamiliar and the street was uncharacteristically empty for a large city.

He slowly walked down the street trying to make out if this was a dangerous part of town or a decent part of town. Most of the businesses were closed for the night except one towards the other end of the block. As Gerard approached he saw large letters in the window reading 'DIANE'S DESSERTS'. Gerard breathed a sigh of relief. People. He could maybe borrow a phone and call someone. Maybe Lindsey or even maybe his father. As he picked up his pace to approach the shop, a couple walked out and began walking the opposite direction. They were huddled together and exchanged kisses and giggles. The sight honestly hurt Gerard's heart but his self loathing thoughts were stopped abruptly when he recognized the silhouette of a curly Afro.

"Ray?!" Gerard called. The couple stopped and turned around slowly, revealing the very confused faces of Ray and Christa.

"Gerard?" Christa said. Gerard sprinted at them full force and threw himself into both of their arms as he began crying hysterically again. The couple looked at each other in confusion.

"Gerard? Gerard, what happened? Where is Frank?" Ray asked with a concerned tone. Gerard had stuffed his face into Christa's shoulder and between that and the cries of agony Ray could only make out one word: Jamia.

"Shit" Ray mumbled as he tried helping Christa calm Gerard down. Ray knew about Jamia and Gio but he also knew that Gerard didn't know.

It took a long time to calm Gerard down enough to talk to him. He wouldn't talk about Frank or Jamia but from the look Ray gave Christa, she shouldn't press the matter.

"It's late, Gee, can we take you home? Ray's car is right over there" Christa spoke gently. Gerard took a step back like he was getting ready to run again as he shook his head furiously.

"O-ok, okay not to Frank's. But you can't stay out here all night. Where do you want to go? We'll drive you" She insisted. After thinking for a moment. Gerard spoke.

"M-my dad's."

As they climbed into the car, Christa sat in the backseat as Gerard rested his head against her shoulder. Gerard's eyes were closed as the scene from the night played out in his head. She has my son. We tried to get married. I intended to break up with you. Warm tears slid down his cheeks and he quickly wiped them away.

A blaring phone ringer caused both Christa and Gerard to jump. Ray fished his phone out of his pocket and Gerard could see over his shoulder that it was Frank.

"Please don't tell him I'm with you. Please." Gerard begged. Ray nodded and silenced the ringing as he looked back at Christa silently telling her to occupy him. She just squeezed his hand as she tried to think what to bring up that wouldn't cause him to get hysterical again.

"W-What are you guys doing out here so late?" Gerard asked, clearly just as desperate as Christa was to change the subject. Christa blushed as she smiled a little.

"Oh uh ... Ray he brought me to my favorite little dessert shop and asked me to marry him" she held out her left hand to reveal a sparkling diamond ring on her petite finger.

"You're engaged" Gerard breathed out as he forced himself to smile. Had he been given this news on any other day he would have been thrilled and jumping for joy with his friend. "It's beautiful. Congratulations you guys" he said softly. He laid his head back on Christa's shoulder and she laid hers on top of his as the rest of the ride back to John's house was quiet. During this time Ray stealth-fully snuck a text off to Frank that he had Gerard and Ray would call him later.

Pulling into the driveway, Gerard had instant nostalgia. He hadn't been here in years but it honestly didn't look like it changed a bit. As Gerard clutched Christa's hand tightly, the three made their way to the front door.

It was nearly 11p and Gerard had no clue if his father was even home, but figured if he didn't answer Gerard could find the hidden key and let himself in. The door was suddenly yanked open and a tired looking John in sweats and a long sleeve night shirt stood there, his eyes becoming wide as he took in his son.

"Can we come in?" Ray asked. John just nodded as he ushered the three in.

"I'm sorry dad I didn't have anywhere else to go and-"

"Gerard you never need an excuse or a reason to come home" John said softly as he enveloped his crying son in his arms. "I left your room the same and you can stay here as long as you want to."

Christa figured she should probably take Gerard to his room and help him get settled in while Ray explain to John what was happening.

"Come on, Gee" she said as she pulled him towards the steps. She had no clue where she was going but figured Gerard would correct her if she was wrong. Once they were out of sight, John turned to Ray and crossed his arms.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You'd better put on a pot of coffee, this is going to take a while" Ray sighed.


"It must be nice, growing up as a rich kid" Christa joked lightly and Gerard smiled a bit as they entered his room. "Literally. This room is the size of my entire first apartment". Gerard kicked his shoes off in the corner and shrugged his jacket off. The photo from earlier in the night fell to the floor. Gerard crouched down to pick it up and felt a flash of anger roll through him. Frank could smile and hold Gerard like he hadn't done terrible things. Like he hadn't cheated and lied and betrayed. Cold hearted bastard. Gerard stood up and gripped the photo with both hands ready to rip it before Christa's delicate fingers wrapped around his.

"Don't" she whispered. "Don't try to remove him from your life like that. That's how you ended up in a drug induced haze the first time." Gerard knew she was right and slowly loosened his grip on the photo until Christa took it out of his hands. She tucked the photo into a drawer in his desk and turned back towards Gerard.

"You need sleep. You need time to digest everything. Don't make choices when you're upset or angry because you will always regret them. You're so lucky Gerard. You have been through a lot but you have so much more out there. You don't have a spouse or kids so you can live your life for you. Do what you want. Become what you want to be. And maybe in the process you'll meet a nice man who will only enhance your life, not bring it down."

As Gerard climbed under the covers, Christa grabbed a pencil and a scrap of paper from his desktop. She scribbled a bunch of numbers and placed it back down on the desk.

"There is my number, I want to stay in touch. I want to hear from you all the time, Gerard, even if it's just a text. I still want to be your friend" she said quietly as she gripped his hands with both of hers.

"You always will be" Gerard said as he sat up quickly and wrapped his arms around her neck. They hugged for several moments before exhaustion started pulling at Gerard.

"I should probably rescue your dad from Ray. But call me as soon as you get a phone" Christa said as she kissed Gerard on his forehead. She wasn't four feet out of his bedroom before she heard soft snores coming from his bed.


I think you guys needed this little bit to cleanse your pallet. The story is nearing the end and I'm already starting on my next Frerard fic. I'll post more info about it soon 🙃

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