Chapter 24- Oh No

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He made the decision. His whole life flashed before his eyes as he jumped infront of Britain and took the shot instead of his mother.

A gun shot was heard and France turned around terrified. She saw Britain trying to reload his gun and America bleeding to death on the floor. She gasped. Britain got another bullet in his gun and shot again, but this time France dodged it. "Bloody hell" he said through his teeth. Since he was still laying on the floor France stepped on his head and grabbed his gun before he could shoot again. She kicked him in the face a few more times to make sure he was completely knocked out, for real this time. At that moment Canada ran downstairs "I heard I gunshot, what happe-!". He stopped once he saw America unconscious on the floor. "GET AN AMBULANCE!" Yelled France while searching Britain to see if he was still armed. She had tears in her eyes and blood all over her. Canada started trembling and his breathing became intense. "GO!" France said again. Canada snapped out of it and ran to the phone.


The surgery was going to be in an hour. France and Canada were sitting in the waiting room and had called Australia to come too. They had explained him the situation and he was socked too. Who wouldn't be at this point? They had Britain arrested aswell. After his recovery he'd have to go to court. Suddenly something broke the silence and made everyone jump. France's phone started ringing. She searched her bag to find her phone and quickly picked up."...yes... No... Yes, I am available. Where will it take place?.. Okay thank you". The two brothers were looking at her in confusion, trying to understand what she was talking about with the other person on the line. She hang up and sighed as she put her phone back inside her bag. "What happened?" Questioned Canada. "We will have to go to the police station next Saturday to talk about the incident..". "Oh.." said Canada again and stopped talking. Silence took over the three countries. France teared up a little and sniffed. "Mom are you okay?" Asked Canada in a worried tone. "I'm sorry.." she said back. "I'm so sorry boys, I wasn't there for you" "Mom what are you talking about?" "Yeah, it's not your fault dad has issues with Russi-" Australia got caught off by Canada "That's not what she ment". France slightly smiled and patted Australia's head. Then she went back to her sad  expression. "I had always been on Britain's side and never supported you enough. Je suis ta mère (I am your mother), I should know better". Her sons both hugged her. "Mom it's okay, we understand!" "We forgive you, you stepped up for us!". France slowly pushed them away. "I know you think that it's not a big deal, but it's way worse. All this could have avoided if I had just acted like a parent. America wouldn't have been shot and you could have a better childhood. C'est d-de ma faute (it's my fault)". They were about to say something but France talked before them. "Don't say anything, please. I don't want you feeling bad about me." Australia was worried. "No way mom! We won't just stay silent as you are putting all the blame to yourself! It was dad's fault, the end." Canada nodded and let France know that he agreed. France smiled again, but this time more openly. "You are both the biggest sweethearts. I love you so much, but the truth is the truth. Don't worry about me, I'm an adult. The thing we need to focus on now is America". The two boys seemed disappointed. They knew their mother loved them, but they still felt like it was wrong to let her believe it's her fault. They gave up though, they really had to have their focus on America.

Then a small idea popped into Australia's head. He got his phone out and started texting someone. Since the sound of typing was loud Canada noticed. He turned to Australia. "Who are you talking to?". Australia didn't look away from the screen, but rather kept typing while responding to Canada. "I think it will be a good idea to tell Vodka Lord that America is in the hospital." Canada seemed troubled. "Tell who..?" "Russia." Canada frowned. "Oh. Well be easy on him, we don't want him bursting into the hospital and causing a scene." Australia eyerolled. "I you don't stop exaggerating I will purposely tell him to burst into the hospital and cause a scene". Canada huffed.



                                                                          America is at the hospital. Its a big story I'll tell you once you come here. He'll be ok its not that serious even though he was shot> A

                               Also me France and weed are here >A (20:36)

                         U alive>A (20:38)

Australia realised the situation and started laughing awkwardly. "What?" Asked Canada. "I may or may not have caused him to panic and he may or may not burst in here and cause a scene any minute now." Canada facepalmed. "I swear to God..". France interrupted them by tapping Canada's shoulder. "Sorry for accidentally eavesdropping, but who will be coming to the hospital?" "Russia" said Australia. France seemed concerned. "Is there a specific reason? I think bringing a friend here is not really needed." Her sons looked at eachother. "I'll tell her" Australia whispered and Canada nodded. "Mom whether you're okay with it or not America and Russia are dating. Canada tried to do something about it, but failed dramatically". France made a questionable face. "Okay then." "Don't you have questions? Everybody had". "It seems weird, yes, but now is not the time for questions..". Canada and Australia were worried, but just sighed and sat normally on their chair and waited patiently.


THIS HAS BEEN A PAIN IN THE ASS TO UPLOAD OMG. Anyways, I tried my best for the mood not to be too sad. Idk I don't like it that much when it's too serious or just bad in general. Welp since we haven't done it for a few chapters here is a quiz again:

1. Which one is your favourite chapter?

2. Your favourite line from a character?

3. Do you prefer meme books/chapters or normal ones?

4. Your favourite songs? (Completely random but who cares)

5. How did you stumble across this story?

Why do people think I'm a girl? Do I act like a girl? Does my pp look girly? Also it's 5:48 am here :')

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