6. Superpowers

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I told Rose everything.

She looked at me with an absolutely shocked face, "No way! This is sooo cool!" She excitedly yelled, "Rose be quiet" I said, looking at all the people on the bus that were staring at us. I looked back at Rose

It's almost like Spiderman

"You're right, it is like Spiderman" I said. Rose looked at me even more shocked. "Did you just read my mind?" she said. "No, how could I read your mind I swear you just said that ... oh my god" I said realising what was happening, "I just read your mind didn't I?".

Rose grabbed my arms and looked at me dead straight in the eyes, "What word am I thinking of" It came to me instantly,


"Turtles?" I said, "YES!" she shouted, "Rose, shut up before everyone thinks we're insane"

I pulled out the mask from my pocket to show Rose. "Are you going to be, you know a superhero?" she said to me with stars in her eyes.

Rose loved superheros, especially Captain America. I raised an eyebrow at her comment, I'm just a teenage girl, not some comic book hero.

We arrived at school and I went to class finding it hard to concentrate thinking of everything that just happened.

The lunch bell rang and me and Clare met up with Rose. Rose instantly told Clare everything.

"Rose I highly doubt that Clare will believe- "What REALLY! That's sooo cool!" Clare said as she practically lifted of the ground in excitement. I sighed, turning to Rose, "How many people have you told?" "No one but Clare" She said, "Good, let's keep it that way" "What about Madeline?" "I'll tell her this afternoon".

Later that day I tried reading peoples' mind in class.

I looked at the girl sitting across from me and focused on her face.

I'm so bored

That was it! I thought as I slapped my desk in excitement. The girl looked up at me with a look of disgust on her face


hang on, did she just think that?

Excuse me? Don't call me a weirdo

The girl looked taken back and dropped her pencil, still while looking at me. After a short while she picked up her pencil and got back to work, still looking confused though.

Did I hear that right, did the weirdo just speak to me through my thoughts she's weirder than I thought

That makes sense I can read peoples minds and speak through minds too. I double checked the idea

The name's Tamsin not weirdo

she dropped her pencil again.

This is insane! I can read minds and speak through minds. That also explains how I talked to that magpie this morning, not only can I telecommunicate with people but also animals.

It all started with that red cat.

I got off the bus with Rose and waved goodbye to her as she crossed the road to get to her house.

She got to about the middle of the road and accidentally dropped her earphones, she bent down to pick them up and I saw a car racing at top speed come straight in her direction.

"ROSE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I reached out and clenched my fists. Scared I closed my eyes and held my arm close to my chest.

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