|3| help her figure out

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"Are you still watching 'the office' ? The judgmental text of Netflix stars back at Peter and Michelle as they Finish the twenty-eight episode of the fifth season of the sitcom.

"Season six now?" Michelle asked peter, who didn't seem hear her question.

Peter is too focused on the fact their thighs are touching to notice Michelles question, his mind couldn't ignore it, it was right there in front of him, he felt it.

He found it beyond frustrating that her closeness was affecting him so damn much.

Maybe it was because that for last week they got more got close (peters initiative, of course) which made everything for him more imitating.

It became more hard for him to be himself when he was hanging out with her, and she didn't exactly appreciate it.

Michelle herself, in the meantime of the mess that was going through peters mind noticed how he threw goofy grins at her direction every-time they locked eyes from afar , Stupid goofy grins that kept catching her off guard.

And now they were sitting on the sofa in his living room, thighs touching, and not only peter found it imitating, Michelle did too, but she was more experienced with ignoring her feelings (and ignoring everything)

But Michelle didn't know about peters feelings at the moment.

And Peter didn't know about Michelle's feelings at the moment.

So the moment crashed easily, broke into half as Michelle snapped peters attention.

"Are we watching season six or?" Michelle repeated, staring at the screen.

Peter whipped his head up, his lips pursed and hair disheveled.

"We can if you wanna, or something else, I know you're not a big fan of sitcoms."

Michelle slightly nodded, throwing a quick glance to his direction before turning her head back to face the screen.

Peter grabbed the remote that was placed on the desk as he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it off his forehead and flicked through the suggestion page until his eyes laid on a documentary.

"It's about this girl Elizabeth who was found murdered, she's known as 'black dahlia' which is also the name of the docum-"

"As much as I enjoy crime-thriller documentaries I was thinking about doing something else" Michelle cut off peters talking and let out a shaky grin.

"Like what" he asked looking at her, afraid to ruin whatever they had.

"Explain why you're not telling me you're Spider-Man"

"Yeah sure..wait what?" Peter asked wide eyed.

Michelle smiled as she took a quick pause, leaving peter shocked with his jaw on the ground.

She couldn't possibly just say that, peter thought.

Peter knows there's not even a chance she actually said it.

He must've hear her incorrectly.

"Who would believe that the peter Parker, the irresponsible clumsy teen from queens would turn out to be the hero behind the red mask" Michelle spoke, voice mixed with slight surprise but sure she knows what she's doing. (She doesn't)

"I'm not spiderman" Peter fought back, "don't you think I would know if I was?"

"No I'm pretty sure you are, 67% sure, which is more than 50% which means that's pretty close to 100% but not so far from 50% but still-"

"How did you possibly find out!" Peter exclaimed, hands thrown in the air, as the anxiety crept into his head.

He keeps it as a secret extremely safely, and he knows is based on the fact no one knows. Except for Michelle (she doesn't count tho, maybe she figured it out because she's an alien)

"You just admitted it yourself" Michelle yelled in surprise "so you really are? I wasn't completely sure, oh my god" she bubbled making peter extremely tensed and confused.

"You can't tell anyone about this" he said with his voice breaking, not in a crying whiny way.

Michelle bite her bottom lip and nodded slowly.

Peter sighed in relief before taking her into a hug.

Michelle tensed up but suddenly remembered that sometimes friends hug you for no specific reason, friends can throw smiles to each other's direction, friends can come and start talking to you uninvited.

Maybe she was starting to be okay with that, maybe it was just peter, maybe peter changed something in her behavior and she didn't even notice.

Michelle started to embrace this new her who acts differently around peter.

And Maybe she can't understand what it means on her own, but thank god peter is here to help her figure out.

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