Chapter 1

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Noah was the first to wake up. Though he looked drowsy, he was able to walk down the stairs unharmed. Unlike Sage, who managed to trip several times.
Next came Ana and A'mi. They were not close, but get along well enough to make it to the living room peacefully.
Hunter and Daniel came down arguing. Hunter was complaining about how Daniel was always so loud in the morning. Daniel shot back by saying he was always so serious, that he should relax once in a while.
Things settled down when Amara came down the stairs followed by a lurking shadow( most likely to be Amaya). Amara was never a morning person, so it was best not to annoy her even more.
A few minutes, later Noelle came down calmly along with Niran. Abel teleported next to Niran, giving him a bear hug. This annoyed him but being the calm person that he is, he held back his anger until later.
Reina was last to come down, she sat next to A'mi as they smiled and talked quietly.
No one seemed to notice when Arkyn arrived, but he did and waited patiently and calmly until everyone settled down.
"Arkyn, what was so important that you had to wake us up so early in the morning," Sage whined.
Weird things have been happening on Earth and I thought it would be best if you all investigated.
"Even if we could, how could we do that,"asked Hunter.
Well for starters, you could all go back to an actual school.
"But Arkyn we're doing just fine here, what good would it do us,"whimpered Noelle.
I know you would all do well in school, but for one, people would question the random teens that are constantly roaming the streets instead of getting an education. I don't want to have to bail you out of jail.
Two, I need you to start your investigations in school and take notes after school. Report everything back to me by the end of the week, Arkyn concluded.
"Okay but I still don't understand why you had to wake us up so early, questioned Sage.
"Because today is Monday; a school day,"Noah groaned.
Pack your bags and get changed , Arkyn said. We're heading out in 30 minutes.
And just like that, Arkyn withered away before anyone could get a word out.

Authors note
One of Arkyn's powers is he ability to wither or disappear into dust.
*Also keep in mind that they only have three bathrooms...

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