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The alarm went off causing everyone to groan. There was only one more day until Friday and Noah knew their time was limited. Once again Daniel and Hunter were arguing. Noah tried to stop them but it was no use. "You always try to be so perfect yet you still find something to complain about. "I'm sorry"that I'm happy and filled with energy every morning,"Daniel yelled. "How can you be so happy and chill when we only have one day to submit something to Arkyn,"Hunter yelled back. Relax we'll think of something, Daniel said while folding his arms. What do you think we have been doing for the past week, Hunter said now getting aggravated. As they continued to yell back and forth, A'mi, finally enraged, eyes started to glow purple. She let out a high pitch scream. This outburst caused everyone to freeze and cover their ears. When she was done, Daniel and Hunter looked at her hesitantly because they knew they were in trouble. "Is this how Arkyn raised us to act? Hunter, you said so yourself that we don't have much time yet you and Daniel have the time to argue so early in the morning." They were silent. As your punishment, run 10 laps around the field, if I catch you using your abilities I will handle you personally, A'mi said while gritting her teeth. Hunter scoffed as he followed Daniel out the door. Arkyn silently laughed to himself as he watched from afar.

They tried there best to not look suspicious as they looked around the school taking note of anything abnormal or different, something that doesn't fit with the scenery. By lunch they all sat at their usual table in the back of the cafeteria to discuss their findings. "This is useless,"Ana groaned. What good will it do us to search the school, we should be searching elsewhere. I agree but like Arkyn said, it will look shady seeing a bunch of high schoolers roaming the streets in broad daylight, Noah said with a sigh. "Well why don't we go after school?" Amaya suggested. We can try that, Reina make a list of places we can search and we'll meet up at the end of the day to split the list. Noah concluded. Sounds like a plan, Noelle cheered.

At the end of the day, they all met up, everyone but Ana. Typically she still had to complete her punishment so she couldn't meet up with them. "Okay now lets split the list." There was a total of 10 places. Abel, Noelle, and Sage went as a group to search 3 places, Daniel, A'mi, and Niran went as a group to search 3 places, Hunter, Amara, and Reina went as a group to search 3 places, and Noah and Amaya went as a pair to search 2 places. This way they were able to cover more ground and meet back at the house when they were done.

At 6:00 pm, they all came home one by one with barely and new information to present. "This is hopeless, what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?" Abel complained. I don't understand what information Arkyn wants us to gather, unless he is just trying to keep us busy," Reina muttered. So far there hasn't been anything out of the ordinary yet Earth is still in danger. "Everything seems to be under control so why are we here?" Amaya questioned. There must be a reason we were summoned, Arkyn wouldn't have sent us here for no reason, Noah replied. Who knows what Arkyn is planning, he seems to keep a lot of things from us, Ana added. Well we already presented to Arkyn once this week so why don't we stop looking for new information and focus on the information we already have? Hunter suggested. Agreed, they all said in unison.

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