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The rest of the week day continued as normal. The zodiacs kept looking for clues or anything off at school while Ana had to clean the gym after her classes have ended. In addition, as apart of her punishment, Arkyn  forced her to write an apology letter and Ana is not having it. After school, Ana would challenge A'mi to let out her anger. A'mi is benefiting from this as she constantly challenges herself to grow stronger, going beyond her limits. She wants to prove to her brother that she can do better, be better. on the other hand, Hunter is starting to get frustrated because the zodiacs have made no progress over the past days. though the zodiacs are not naturally from Earth, it was easy for them to adapt as if they lived there forever.

"Maybe school isn't where we should be searching, why not think bigger?" Noah suggested. "Maybe," Noah shrugged. Noah doesn't like losing or the thought of it. He cant swallow the fact that he has been wrong or lost. Its not like he's competitive, he just can't cope with failure and its a big problem.

Reina is always been two steps ahead therefore she has already looked at places "bigger" than searching a school. She has been keeping up with the latest news, spent her time at school in the library during lunch. She would always arrive to the school earlier than the others to spend at least 10 minutes in the library. She has been collecting old and new newspapers to see if it'll help as well. So far she was able to find information on the great Manchester robbery back in 2010. Detectives and the police put off the investigation after a year of searching because neither the robbers or the money had been found. in the end they concluded the case unsolved. Reina found the whole situation unsettling and so decided to share her findings with Hunter and Noah. Between the three of them, they declared the case reopened.

Later that day they gathered the rest of the zodiacs in the dining room and held a meeting on the topic. "What does a robbery in England 9 years ago have to do with the weird things that have been going on now?" Sage questioned. "It's a start, at least we have something to present to Arkyn on Friday." Noah answered. But—" do you have any new information you want to tell Arkyn then? Sage was silent. "Unlike the rest of you, Reina actually made progress finding information we can actually use." Hunter added. Reina blushed. "You're right." They all turn ed around and to their surprise they saw Arkyn, legs crossed, on the lounge chair who had been listening in to the meeting. "Though it isn't exactly related, its a start." You guys should be thanking Reina because I can tell you guys were getting nowhere." It's getting late and you guys have school tomorrow, keep up the good work Noah, Hunter and Reina."

And with that, he withered away. "Welp that concludes the meeting , start getting ready for bed," said Noah as he got up. The rest of the zodiacs started to get up as well and started to walk up the stairs. It's been a long day, especially for Ana and sleep was well deserved.

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