9 "baby renzo is here"

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"Aww he's so cute" Denise said as she was holding him.

My body was still hurting. This pregnancy was probably the hardest.

They handed me my baby back as everyone was starting to leave.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy, bye Renzo" Leon said walking out holding liangelo's hand.

"Bye baby" lamelo said as I blew Leon a kiss.

After everyone left, it was time for the blood test.

Nahmir walked into the room, melo and I was in.

He came over to me and just stared at Renzo.

The doctor came in. "Okay, so I'm gonna need the 2 possible fathers to come with me" she said. "And I'm gonna need Larenzo" she said taking the baby.

"You need to get some rest because you can possibly be going home in the morning" she said walking out.

I just laid there and cried. I can't believe that we have to go through this.


She was taking my blood as I just sat there and prayed that I was the dad.

I sat there and watched as the doctor put a bandage on me.

"Okay your all done we should have the results in 2 or 4 business days" she said taking off her gloves.

I nodded and got up to go watch them take Renzo's blood.

Nahmir came and stood by me.

"Look man, ion want no bad blood. If he's yours then I'll gladly leave you and your family alone. But if he's mine we just gon' have to get used to seeing each other" he said sitting in a chair.

"Man why would you sleep with znuie, you got a whole girl" I turned and looked at him.

"You wasn't treating her right, you think I didn't see that shit that yo ex posted. I've been knowing znuie since forever nigga. She needed to feel better and I always knew how to make her feel better" he said a little cocky.

I just stared at him and shook my head.

"My girl don't mind though. Cause that's damn near znuie's girl" he said scratching his dreads.

I know he ain't tryna tell me that my baby a little fruit cake. I just chuckled.

"I'm bout to go talk to znuie" he said getting up.


I walked back into the room and seen znuie on her phone.

I went and sat on the corner of her bed. "Mir" she said looking at me.

I looked up at her.

"I'm sorry" she said.

I just shrugged my shoulders. "If he not mine, I'm gonna be devastate, I looked in his eyes and" I said before a tear slid down.

"Nick" she sat up and pulled me closer.

"I'm so ready to be a dad. But I don't like the fact that I have to put up, and act like a bad ass in front of melo" I said as she just wiped my tears.

She put my forehead to hers.

I dried my tears and kissed her forehead. Then I bounced.


We took baby Renzo home 3 days ago.

He so cute.

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