chapter 3

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Kelsi's POV
I have to admit waking up in Nikki's arms is the best feeling ever. I feel so safe when im with him even if this is only the third day we've known each other, he's just so much different from other guys.

When i woke up he was already awake, smirking and staring at my face. "See somethin' you like?" I asked laughing.

"No," he said "I see something I love!" He smiled. I could feel myself blushing.

"Yesterday was the best night of my life!" I said getting up and slipping on Nikki's shirt.

"It was pretty great cus i was with you! Hey that's my shirt!" Nikki said.

"Yeah I know! It smells like you so i wanted to wear it while your gone today." I said, Nikki and the boys have a interview to go too.

"Awe i love you Kels, but you can come with ya know!" He said hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

"Yeah I know but i really need to go look for a job." I said sadly. " I can't just mooch off of you!"

"It's no big deal baby, I make enough money!" He said .

"Yeah it is, i feel bad! I promise i wont work all the time babe. You'll still see me i promise!" I reassured him.

"Well, ok baby, i gotta get ready" he said.

"Me too" i said.

After we got dressed we went to the kitchen to get some food. I made Nikki and I bacon and eggs. "This is really good Kels. Umm i was thinkin, well Mötley doesn't have a manager yet, well i was thinkin maybe you could be our manager! If you want to, I'm sure the other guys won't mind." He proposed.

"Are you sure I wouldn't even know what to do." I replied.

"Well it's pretty much what i do now, just call around and book gigs at bars, and wait for people to call to do interviews and stuff. Not too hard you would do great and you get a portion of the money!" He explained. " oh and you stop us from doing dumb shit!" he laughed.

"Well that doesn't sound to bad, you don't think it will get in the way of our... well what are we?" I asked because it just hit me.

Nikki smirked "Your my girlfriend, and dont worry baby it wont get in the way of anything!" He laughed. I guess im officially his girlfriend and I'm beyond happy with that!

I smiled "Okay.... I'll be your manager baby!" I said. He picked me up and spun my in circles "NIKKIIII!" I screamed "PUT ME DOWN!" I said laughing. He brought me down, kissed me and wrapped me in a hug!

"Let me call the guys and tell them the great news!" He said rushing over to the phone.

Before I knew it Tom, Vince, and Mick walked in the door. "Whats up manager!" T-bone said laughing.

"Whats up T-bone!" I replied

"You ready for the interview?" Vince asked.

"Sure am!" I said as Nikki wrapped his arm around me.

"Well lets go then cutie!" Nikki said and we all got in tommy's  car. We didn't have to drive very far before we got to the interview.

"Hi I'm Jody, I'm here to ask you guys a few questions and help you get your name out there" the lady said. "Well first question is what are your names and what do you play?" She asked

"I'm Vince and I sing, also i pick up the chicks!" Vince said causing us all to laugh.

"I'm Tommy and i play the drums." Tommy told Jody.

"I'm Mick, i play the guitar" Mick said.

"I'm Nikki Sixx, and i play bass" Nikki said smirking.

"I'm Kelsi and I'm their manager" i said.

"She's also my girlfriend!" Nikki added, kissing my cheek.

Jody continued asking questions and they guys answered. She said she'd put the imortant stuff in the paper and it should be out tomorrow.

"Hey baby you wanna go see a movie? It'll be just me and you!"

"Of course what movie did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Whatever you want Kels" he said.

"Well lets go see what they got!" I said as we walked down the street since Tommy and the boys left with his car. It was fine though because the theater wasn't to far. Before i knew it Nikki put me on his back. "Nikki put me down its not even thay far of a walk!" I said probably making a scene.

"Nope i said it once and I'll say it again, your to pretty to walk!" He responded.

"Whatever you say," i said and kicked the side of his leg playfully "faster!" I demanded.... that was a mistake!

"Ok hold on tight!" Nikki said and started sprinting causing me to almost fall. Before to long we arived at the movie theater.

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