Chapter 1: The Dream...

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Romy stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror with blood on her face. She looked down in her hand where the bloody knife was. She didn't know what she has done. "W-What...? B-Blood?!" she said to herself as she started to shake a lot. "W-What have I d-done..." she said as she walked out of the bathroom while hiding the knife behind her back. She walked by an open door to a bedroom and she saw a girl body laying on the ground covered in blood. She looked at her knife and then at the body. "N-No... I-I couldn't have d-done this..." she said to herself as she looked around for a way to escape. "I have to get away from here... I killed Poppy..." she said as she ran down the stairs to the back of the house. "Stop right there Romy!" a woman voice said. Romy slowly turned around after she dropped her knife. The woman looked at the knife. "So you are the one that killed Poppy?" the woman asked. Romy was still shaking. "I-I... I didn't do it..." Romy replied. The woman walked to the kitchen table facing away from Romy. "Yeah right and why exactly do you have a bloody knife then?" the woman said as she turned around. Romy cut the neck of the woman open and left the knife behind near the woman as she ran away out of the back of the house. The woman fell on the ground as she bleeds to death...

"What have I done..." she kept running through the forest as far from her home as she could. She reached a train track and started walking over it towards the northeast. "I cannot go home now... What am I gonna do now... I'm all alone now..." she said to herself. "If that stupid curse wouldn't have been here then I wouldn't have done such horrible things... I'm just a monster..." she said as she continued walking. A police car came by and saw her. The police car drove off the road next to the train track towards Romy. Romy saw lights coming towards her and she turned around. "NO! POLICE!! THEY FOUND ME!!" she yelled as she started running away into the forest again. The police called air and ground support so they could find Romy again. "Shit shit shit!" she said as she jumped over a branch and went hiding behind it on the ground. "What do I do... Mom... I cannot do this without you... You were the only one who could protect me from myself, I'm so sorry mom..." she said as she wiped away a tear. "I have to seek a new life now..." she stood up and ran further into the forest. The helicopter had arrived and a searchlight was going through the forest to seek Romy. "A helicopter?! Really now?!" she said as she tried to avoid the searchlight from the helicopter. She rolled over behind a rock and stayed there to see how the police were moving. "This is the most horrible night ever... Why do I need to be a Cursed Soul... I don't deserve to be like this..." she said as she heard the police coming closer and closer to her rock. "Uh oh... They're close by..." she said as she tried to sneak away. The police found her and tried to block her from escaping. Romy jumped on the rock, then kicked one of the policemen down and ran away. "HEY! STOP! WE ARE ONLY HERE TO HELP YOU!" the other one said helping the kicked down policeman up. "What the hell is she doing..." the policeman said as he saw Romy running away towards the river. Romy arrived at the edge of a very large river and looked around to see how she can cross it. "I'll have to get across this river no matter what!" she said as her arm is being grabbed by one policeman. "What?!" she said as she tried to escape. The policeman pushed her on the ground to calm her down. "Calm down... There is no need for violence or running... We are only here to help you..." the policeman said slowly to calm her down. She calmed down very slowly. "W-Why would you help me... I-I'm a monster..." she said. The policeman looked at her. "What do you mean?" he asked her. She looked up at him and it shows the blood on her face. "W-What happened to you?" he asked again as he saw the blood. She gets tears in her eyes. "I killed two people... But I wasn't in control, because I'm a Cursed Soul... Every time I lose control over my body bad things will happen to people I love..." she said. The policeman laughed. "A Cursed Soul? That is very funny miss, but what is your name actually?" he said as he helped her up. She looked down at the ground. "I'm Romy Dobbins sir..." she answered. The policeman backed off a little bit from her. "Y-You really are the Cursed Soul..." he said as he has his hand on his gun. "Don't worry... I won't kill you... I'm in control now, but I don't know for how long..." she said as she looked at her hands which are also covered in blood. She looked up in the sky. "Why mom... Why did I need to be the ere of the curse... I have the blood on my hands now... And for what..." she said as she looked down with tears in her eyes. The policeman looked at her. "Wait your mother has passed away miss Dobbins?" he asked her slowly. She looked at him. "Yes, not too long ago... She was the one who held me back from having outbreaks on anyone and she held me in control of my curse, but now with her gone, it won't be controlled anymore... So now I have a lot of outbreaks on almost everyone because I cannot calm myself down..." she said as she looked down at the river. The policeman sat down on a rock. "Who did you just kill?" he asked her. She looked at her hands. "My little sister and my aunt..." she said as she sat down and started to tear up...

Romy woke up and sat up in bed. "Oh my gosh, It was a bad dream," she said as she looked at the time on her phone. "4:30 AM... This is even worse than last night," she said as she stood up and walked to her closet. "This always happens. I cannot have one night without waking up in the middle of the night," she grabbed a pleated skirt, crop top, black tights, a hoodie and green shoes. She put them on and walked out of her room, through the hallway towards the stairs near the front door. She walked down the stairs, but she stopped at the door as she saw some girl outside the door looking at her. "It is right now... 4:34 AM and there is someone here," she said as she opened the door, but once she had it open the girl was gone. "Huh? But she was here a moment ago!" she said as she stepped outside to look around. "That is strange... This didn't happen in the nights before," she said as she walked inside and closed the door, but she heard breathing behind her. She turned around and the girl stood there. "AAH!" Romy yelled as she fell down against the door. "Who are you?!" Romy asked. The girl looked down at her. "Someone you'll get to know soon enough!" the girl said. Romy looked down at the ground, but once she looked up the girl was gone again. Poppy stood above at the staircase. "Romy... Why did you yell so early in the morning?" Poppy asked. Romy looked up at Poppy. "Uhm, nothing little sis. There was a mouse and I got scared of it, so I yelled a little. I'm sorry that I woke you up, little sis." Romy said as Poppy walked back to her room. Romy walked into the kitchen and sees something strange on the table, a letter from someone unknown...

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This was Chapter 1: The Dream of the book Innocent, Chapter 2 will be awesome too I promise that! I hope you all will like this book and that it will get some votes and reads because without those I won't be able to have the inspiration to think about how to go further with the book!
So I hope you all will vote and read this book because without support this book won't last long!

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