Chapter 2: The Strange Letter...

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Romy grabbed the letter from the kitchen table and opened it. "Maybe it was that strange girl who put this letter here," she said as she wanted to start reading it the letter was empty. "Huh? Wait, where is the message itself?" she asked. Yasmine walked down the stairs and looked around. She saw Romy in the kitchen and walked towards her. "Why are you already awake dear?" Yasmine said to Romy. Romy looked up at Yasmine. "Another bad dream again, but this time worse than last night mom," Romy said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "Oh, and we got this strange letter with nothing inside," she said as she lays down the letter on the kitchen table. Yasmine walked to the kitchen table and grabbed the letter. "And who is the one that put it here?" she asked Romy. Romy picks up her shoulders. "I don't know, but when I came downstairs there was this girl outside at the front door. I went looking, but once I opened the door she was gone and stood behind me out of nowhere, but I think she put down this letter, but I'm not sure." Romy said. Yasmine looked at the front door. "A girl? How did she look? Did she look cute or sexy?" Yasmine asked. Romy looked at her mom. "Mom... I get it why dad left... You are lesbian!" Romy said. Yasmine blushed a bit as she looked at Romy, she turned away towards the stove immediately. "UHM... No... Not at all!" Yasmine said as she giggled a bit. Romy looked down at the letter, she sees a strange logo on the letter. "Uhm, mom? Is this supposed to be in the letter?" Romy said as she shows the letter.

Yasmine looked at the logo, but she couldn't place the logo in her mind, she did not recognize it, that was for sure

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Yasmine looked at the logo, but she couldn't place the logo in her mind, she did not recognize it, that was for sure. "I have never seen this logo before on any letter. It might even be from an ancient civilization, but I do not know which one," said Yasmine to Romy. Romy looked towards the front door and saw the girl again. "There she is again!" Romy said as she pointed towards the front door. Yasmine looked towards the front door, but the girl was gone again. "I don't see anyone, darling!" Yasmine said as she looked to Romy again. Romy sighed deeply. "Why does this all happen to me and not to Poppy?" Romy said. Yasmine sat down ahead of Romy. "It is because you are the oldest and you are the ere of the curse," she said to calm Romy down. Romy looked at the letter. "What are we gonna do with this?" she said as she pointed towards the letter. Yasmine all of the sudden recognizes the logo on the letter. "I know that logo!" she said. Romy looked up at her mom. "What do you mean? Where is it from?" she asked her mom. Yasmine looked like she was afraid of something. "What is it, mom?" Romy asked. The house began to shake. Yasmine stood up and looked towards the front door and she saw many red and blue lights. "Take Poppy and go to the shelter!" Yasmine said to Romy. Romy saw the lights too and ran upstairs as fast as she could. She ran towards Poppy's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Poppy! Fast! We have to get to the shelter!" Romy yelled. Poppy opened her bedroom door. "What is it, sis?" Poppy asked as she looked towards the window and saw the red and blue lights. "The police are here! We have to hide!" Romy said as she took Poppy down the stairs towards the room ahead of the kitchen. She opened the door of the shelter and went inside with Poppy, they went underground and hid there. "What is going on Romy?!" Poppy asked in a panic. Romy hugged her little sister to calm her down. "Nothing to worry about little sis!" Romy said to calm her down...

The police stood outside the front door. "COME OUTSIDE WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!" the police said. Yasmine opened the door and stepped outside, she saw the girl behind the police. "So Romy told the truth about the girl," Yasmine said to herself. The police slowly approached Yasmine with guns pointed at her. "Don't you move or we'll shoot!" one policeman said. Yasmine kept her hands in the air. "I am not moving sir," she replied. The police went inside the house to look around. "There is nothing to find inside sir!" one policeman said as he came outside. "Keep looking! The Vampire must be here!" the police captain commanded. Yasmine looked at them. "What? What Vampire?" Yasmine asked. Romy is getting dragged outside of the house and threw down at the ground in front of the police captain. Poppy ran outside to her mom because she is scared. "Ah, the Vampire is outside... Well, let's take her down!" the police captain said. A few policemen stepped in front of Romy with their guns aimed at Romy. "Wait for my mark to shoot!" the police captain said. Yasmine looked down at Romy. "Romy! Run!" she said as she gets knocked out. Romy saw that happening and looked over to the policemen with guns as she lost control. The policemen get mind controlled and shoot each other dead. "Run!!!" the police captain yelled as he ran away. The rest of the police drove or ran away. Romy fainted on the ground. Poppy ran to Romy. "Big sis!" she said as she tried to help her. One policeman survived and aimed a pistol at Poppy. Poppy looked up at the policeman. "AAAAAAH!!!" she yelled loud as a gunshot could be heard through the whole street as Poppy fell down on the ground with a bullet hole in her forehead. Romy has seen it happen and she kills the remaining policeman out of rage. Yasmine woke up by the gunshot and looked around. "W-What happened here?!" she asked as she sees Romy sitting on her knees at Poppy's body. "POPPY?!" Yasmine yelled as she stood up and ran over to them. Romy has tears in her eyes and she stood up staring forward and not moving. Yasmine had tears in her eyes as well. Yasmine looked up at Romy. "Romy... This was not your fault," she said to calm Romy down. Romy kept staring. "It is my fault... I am the monster here." Romy said as a tear rolls down her face. Yasmine looked around at the mess of bodies. "You couldn't control yourself! So it is not your fault!" her mom said. Romy walked away into their house. Yasmine started crying as she looked at Poppy. The same girl that was behind the police cars started to smile evilly as she saw this all happen...

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This was Chapter 2: The Strange Letter!
From here on the book will get even better with battles and epic scenes, there will come even more dramatic moments further in the book!
This book takes a lot of time to think about, but it will be worth it believe me!
Without support from you guys, this book won't be as good as it will gonna be with the story, so if you want to support this book then votes, reads, and comments are very welcome!
Tips and Tops are also welcome in the comments!
Thanks for reading and I hope you will have a wonderful day further!

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