Chapter 6: The Vampire World -={Part 2}=-

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They both came out through the Vampire World Portal's side. "What are these clothes?" Romy asked her mom. "They look so old... But this dress is so beautiful!" Romy said as she made a spin in her dress. "Oooh, and it rotates so well with me!" she said as she looked over to her mom. "Your dress is gorgeous too mom!" Romy said as she walked over to her mom. "Beautiful flowers on it!" she said. Yasmine looked at her daughter. "I know it is pretty, but this world never got further than the 1600s because of some spell! We'll have to head to the Board of Vampires to ask for help!" Yasmine said as she took her daughter towards the city ahead of them. They need to walk some distance through a magical forest and they have to pass over a river as well. As they walked through the forest some Vampires with a cart walked by them the way they came from. "Why does no one question the fact we're here?" Romy asked her mom. Yasmine looked at her. "That is because we are also Vampires, if we were mortal humans then they would have, but we look and act like normal Vampires dear!" Yasmine replied. Romy looked around and ran to the bridge. "Woah! This place is great!" Romy said as she touched the water. "Wait... what? The water is warm?" she asked in confusion. Yasmine looked at Romy. "We are underneath the surface, everything is warmer here!" her mom replied. Romy stood up and walked over to her mom. "How far is it until the Board of Vampires mom?" Romy asked. Yasmine looked on a roadsign. "14 miles until we reach Swifthelm!" Yasmine said as she walked onto the bridge. Romy's mouth fell open. "14 WHAT?!" she yelled. "14 miles until Swifthelm the capital city of the Vampires where the Board of Vampires is located!" Yasmine said as she looked at Romy. A cart stopped near them. "Yasmine Dobbins? Is that you?" a man stepped off the cart and walked to them. Yasmine looked at him. "Roy! Nice to see you again after all this time!" she said. Romy ran over to Roy and hugged him. Roy hugged her back. "How is Lola doing?" he asked. Romy looked kind of scared at her mom. "She got hit by a cursed arrow... A green one... She fell on the ground and her body faded away... I guess she got teleported here somewhere..." Yasmine said as she looked worried. "Hmm... Strange... Normally a green arrow would potion someone and they die, but they never let bodies fade or teleport away," he said as he was thinking. "Hop on to my cart I might have an idea we can find her at!" he said as he jumped on his cart. Yasmine walked to the front of the cart. "We need to go to the Board of Vampires... Because there is a huge emergency!" Yasmine said. "I think Lola is there because if she knows what you know then she would alert them already!" he said as he looked to his horses. "Ready?" he asked Romy and Yasmine. "Of course we are!" Romy said. "Let's go to Swifthelm then!" he said as she gave the horses a sign to walk...

After 20 minutes they arrive at the gate of Swifthelm. Two Vampire Guards stop the cart. "Halt! Who have you brought with you, sir?" one of the Vampire Guards asked. "These are Yasmine and Romy Dobbins, my fellow vampires!" he replied kindly. The two Vampire Guards step aside. "We're sorry, sir! You may proceed!" the Vampire Guards said as they let them through. "I can't believe they're here! This must be something big because they never come here like this!" the one Vampire Guards said to the other. "Must be a really bad emergency!" the second Vampire Guard replied. The cart drove further through the streets of Swifthelm. "You'll have to be careful in this city... Some people aren't really nice anymore..." he said slowly kind of whispering. Yasmine looked at him with a confused look. "What do you mean?" she asked. "The Board of Vampires have made a decision to free the Demon Warlock... Since that day people are mad at them for freeing her..." he said. Yasmine and Romy looked at each other worried. Roy saw their worried faces. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Do not tell me you have seen her..." he said. "We have... She killed Poppy and has activated the Celestial Cannon!" Romy said. Roy looked at them with a serious face. "Ok, this goes too far now... We'll have to stop her before she regains her powers... I get why you needed to go to the Board of Vampires... They are the ones to blame after all!" he said as they drove faster towards the building where the Board of Vampires is. They arrive after a few minutes at the building where the Board of Vampires is. Yasmine, Romy, and Roy jump off the cart. "Now what? There are more guards..." Romy said as she looked at both of them. "We'll just go in!" Roy said as he started walking towards the big door. Romy and Yasmine slowly followed him. One of the Vampire Guards stops them. "Halt! Who are you all?" the Vampire Guard asked them. Roy stepped to the side and the Vampire Guard now stands eye in eye with Yasmine and Romy. "Oh! Yasmine Dobbins! What are you doing here in the Vampire World?" the Vampire Guard asked. Yasmine looked at the Vampire Guard. "Making something right the Board of Vampires have done! My daughter is dead because of them!" she said. The Vampire Guard looked at Romy. "But your daughter is right there!" the Vampire Guard said. Romy looked at the Vampire Guard. "I had a little sister you moron!" she said as she walked over to her mom. "Let us through now!" Romy said as her eyes go slowly reddish. The Vampire Guard started to sweat and stepped aside. "Proceed!" the Vampire Guard said as Romy, Yasmine, and Roy walked inside of the building...

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