Chapter 6: The Vampire World -={Part 1}=-

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Lola and Yasmine ran into Romy's room and saw her laying on the ground with a wound on her arm that is bleeding. Romy is holding the wound so it won't bleed further. "What happened darling?" Yasmine asked as they walked to Romy to help her up. Romy looked at her arm. "I don't know... I blacked out and when I woke up I had this wound..." she said. Lola looked around and grabbed some cloth and wrapped it around Romy's arm. "This should help!" Lola said as she helped Romy up together with Yasmine. "The window is open..." Yasmine said as she walked to the window and looked outside. "Uhm guys? Why is there a weird light in the forest over there?" she said as she looked over to Romy and Lola. Romy looked around the room and sees a letter laying on her bedside. "Wait what is this?" Romy said as she walked over to the bed and grabbed the letter. "Another letter..." Lola and Yasmine walk over to Romy and looked at the letter too. "Another one from the Vampire World?" Romy asked them as she showed the letter. Yasmine tried to find the logo, but there was none and the letter was again empty. "No logo, no text... This becomes stranger and stranger..." Yasmine said as she looked over at the open window. Romy walked over to the window and looked outside, the light was gone. "You said there was a light out there right mom?" she asked. Yasmine looked from the letter to Romy. "Yes? Why?" she said as she walked over to Romy and looked outside too. "Wait?! Where is the light?!" Yasmine said as she was confused about the light being gone. "It was right there a second ago!" she said as she stepped away from the window. Romy closed the window and looked over to them. "Could that be why I have this wound, the open window, and this new strange letter?" Romy said as she walked over to them. "Possible..." Lola said as she looked at the letter. "There must be something about where this comes from right?" Lola said as she held the letter in the sunlight. The text started to appear as soon as the sunlight touched the letter. "I found the text and the logo!" Lola said as she looked at the letter to read it. Romy and Yasmine looked at the letter as well and saw the logo. "That is the same logo as the other letter!" Romy said. Lola kept reading when she suddenly fell to the ground on her knees and held her chest. "ARGH!" she screamed in pain. Romy walked over to Lola and lays her down on the ground. "What is going on?!" Romy asked her mom as she looked at her. Lola's eyes turn gray and she doesn't move anymore. Yasmine looked at Lola. "She's gone..." Yasmine said as she looked at the letter. "What is this?" Romy said as she grabbed a green arrow out of Lola's neck and showed it to her mom. "Poison arrow... From a Vampire Berserker," Yasmine said as she grabbed Romy from Lola's body, Romy dropped the arrow. "We have to go to the Vampire World right now!" she said as she walked over to the door of Romy's bedroom. Lola's body fades away into the nothingness. Romy walked after her mom...

After a while, Yasmine and Romy are walking through the forest behind their house. "Are we there yet?" Romy asked as she looked around to see if she can find the cave. "Not yet dear, but we are close!" Yasmine said as she pointed towards a cliff. Romy looked over to the cliff. "I don't see a cave there..." she said. They arrived at the cliff. "That is because the cave is over there!" Yasmine said as she pointed to the right of where they arrived at the cliff. Romy looked over to the cave and walked towards it with her mom. "What is this language on the cave gate?" she asked her mom. Yasmine looked at the text. "That is Vampire Language," Yasmine said as she read it. Someone came from behind a big rock. "Long way from home aren't you?" a woman's voice said. Romy turned around towards the woman while Yasmine kept reading the text on the gate. "Who are you?!" Romy asked. The woman laughed a bit. "Oh, you already know who I am... At least... She does!" the woman said as she pointed at Yasmine. Romy looked over to her mom. "My mom?" Romy asked confused. Yasmine immediately recognized the woman's voice. The woman walked a bit around the area. "Yes she knows me better then you do Romy! She is the reason my mother is here!" the woman said as she looked over to Yasmine. "Could you turn around from that gate to me if I'm talking to you!" the woman said a bit angry. Yasmine looked at Emily. "You do not tell me what to do miss!" she said as she turned back to the text. Emily looked at Romy who has a worried face. "Maybe your daughter will talk!" Emily said as she walked towards Romy. Yasmine put her hand between Romy and Emily and pushed Emily back. "You do not want this fight..." she said slowly. Emily looked Yasmine in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure I do!" she says as she slapped Yasmine in the face. Yasmine looked back at Emily. "Leave... Before I'll tear you apart..." she said. Emily laughed a bit. "You will have to kill me for that to happen!" Emily said as she punched Yasmine a few more times, but the last one Yasmine grabbed her fist. "I warned you..." she said and Emily looked at her. "Finally..." Emily said as she got thrown at the ground. Yasmine walked to her and grabbed Emily by her neck. "You will feel pain soon enough!" she said as she smashed Emily's face into a tree a few times and then threw her at the ground again. Emily looked up as she sees Yasmine walking back to Romy. "Heh!" Emily stood up, grabbed the tree and smashed Yasmine a few meters away. "Come on then! Give me at least a fight!" Emily said as she looked at Yasmine...

After a few minutes, Yasmine stood up and looked at them. "Ah! There she is!" Emily said as Yasmine came rushing towards Emily and punched her with a big punch into a rock, the rock cracks up a lot as Emily smashed into it. Emily fell down sitting on the ground. "Ugh..." Emily looked up at Yasmine and Romy as they came closer. Emily's nose was bleeding. Yasmine looked at Emily. "Do you want more?" she asked Emily, but she did not respond. Emily smiled evilly. "Heh... You think you defeat me don't you?" Emily said as she shoots a beam at Yasmine. The beam hit Yasmine and she fell backward on the ground. "Argh!" Romy saw it happening and she stood behind Emily at this point. "You shouldn't have done that!" Romy said as she grabbed Emily's head and breaks her neck. Emily fell down on the ground and the magic beam damage she did to Yasmine disappears. Yasmine looked up at Romy and she then sees Emily's body. "What did you do..." Yasmine said as she stood up. "I took care of this filth..." she said as she looked at her mom. Yasmine walked over to Romy. "I'm glad you are ok darling!" Yasmine said as they both walked towards the gate. "So how do we get this gate open?" Romy asked as she looked at the gate. Yasmine pressed a button and the gate slowly opened. "Nevermind!" Romy said as she looked at the gate. "So now what?" she asked her mom, but her mom already walked inside. "Oh right!" Romy said as she walked after her mom into the cave. The gate closed behind them. "No! We're stuck here aren't we mom?" Romy asked her mom, but her mom was already further into the cave tunnel. "I should stop talking and do more walking..." Romy said as she walked after her mom. Romy walked into a larger part of the cafe with a hole in the ceiling where sunlight shines through onto a portal in the middle of the cave room. "Wow!? What is this about?!" Romy asked as she looked around the area. Yasmine stood in front of the portal. "This is the portal area! This is the only way to be able to access the Vampire World!" Yasmine said as she activated the portal. Water started flowing down inside of the portal's frame. "Why water?" Romy asked her mom. Yasmine walked over to the left side of the cave. "It is not normal water... It is magical water!" she said as she grabbed a crystal from a chest and walked back to the portal. "Now we'll have to throw this crystal in and it will start to glow, once it is glowing we can pass through!" Yasmine said as she threw the crystal in the water of the portal. Romy walked to the portal and looked at it. "Wow! It is made out of old stone isn't it?" Romy asked as she touched the stone of the portal. "This portal... It is over five thousand years old... Did you know that?" Romy asked as she looked at her mom who was grabbing some more crystals. "I knew that yes, but I didn't know it would be that old! I never got told how old it was, but I knew it was very old!" Yasmine said as she threw three extra crystals in the water. The water started to glow slowly. Yasmine looked at how slow the water started to glow, it wasn't normal for the water to glow slowly. "The portal must have been inactive for a long time I think," she said as she looked over at the side of the portal. "It hasn't been used since 1639... That is almost 400 years ago..." Yasmine said as the portal was finally fully glowing. Yasmine held her hand out to Romy. "Come!" Romy walked to Yasmine and took her hand. They both went into the portal and they were now in the Vampire World. The ground started to shake a lot on the surface, cracks start to appear in the ground and the buildings around the cannon have collapsed because the Celestial Cannon was activated again...

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This was Chapter 6: The Vampire World -={Part 1}=-!
I hope you all liked this chapter as it took me a long time to make then the other chapters so far because it was a little more complex then I thought it would be!

What was Emily's intention and is she really dead? Will they get help from the Board of Vampires? What happened at the Celestial Cannon? You'll find out in the other chapters!

Thanks again for all the support on this book, it wouldn't have got so far if it wasn't for you all! Thank you very much!

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