Chapter 9: Ending the Nightmare...

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Romy was falling down and crashed into the ground below the cannon. She stood up slowly having some scratches and wounds on her body. She healed her own body as she got filled with rage. "She won't win this... I will kill her... I will end this for once and for all!" Romy looked around at the destroyed area. She saw a huge battle going on between guards and Vampires all around her. "Kelly did not win the battle yet!" she said as she looked up at the cannon. She noticed that the cannon is losing altitude. "Shit... It is coming down!" Romy said as she felt someone coming her way. She turned around and stood eye in eye with Kelly who has a sword in her hands. "Well... It looks like you have survived the fall huh?" Kelly said with an evil smile as she looked at Romy. "I did and you are going to regret what you have done!" Romy said as her hands started to glow. Her wings slowly grew on her back. Kelly looked at her with her hands glowing as well. Romy saw the collapsed building where Michael and Emily died. "Y-You killed your own daughter?!" Romy asked. Kelly looked over to the collapsed building. "I didn't do it, her husband did and I just balanced it out!" Kelly said as she looked at Romy. "You didn't even care about your family! How can you do that?!" Romy said. Kelly looked at the cannon. "Why should you care anyway! Everything you cared about is already gone anyway!" Kelly said as she took a few steps closer to Romy. Kelly rushed towards Romy with and punched her a few hundred meters away. Romy rolled over the ground, but she stood up as nothing happened to her. She noticed that there were a few scratches on her body. "Come on then! If you want to have a fight come and get it!" Romy yelled at Kelly. She let a Vampire Sword appear in her hands as she stood ready for an attack from her. Kelly smirked evilly and ran towards her. Kelly wanted to make a slice for Romy's head, but Romy blocked her sword and pushed her away. Kelly shot a magical beam at Romy before she hit the ground. Romy dodged it and threw a rock at Kelly's head. The rocks hit Kelly right underneath her chin and she fell backward on the ground. "ARGH!" Kelly yelled as she tried to get up, but Romy stood right in front of her. Kelly looked at Romy and grabbed her by the neck. "ARGH!" Romy yelled in pain. Kelly snapped her finger and her head changed into that of Romy's mother. "You wouldn't kill your own mom would you Romy?" Kelly said in Yasmine's voice. Romy got tears in her eyes. "You are not my mom!" she said as she kicked Kelly, her head turns normal again as she dropped Romy. Romy punched Kelly in the face and noticed that her sword was laying a bit further. "I-I'm sorry mom..." Romy let her sword appear in her hands. Kelly looked at the ground on hands and feet. "Ugh..." Kelly said as she slowly turned around. Romy stabbed the sword into Kelly's back and it goes right through her body. "AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" Kelly yelled in pain as blood began to flow from the wound down her body. "W-What did y-you do...?" Kelly asked slowly as she turned to look at Romy. Romy grabbed the sword out of her body. "I ended it!" Romy replied as she pushed Kelly on the ground with her foot. Kelly looked at the sky. "E-Emily........" Kelly said right before she died. Romy looked around as how the Vampires and guards stopped fighting because Kelly's mind control stopped working after she died...

Poppy, Benjamin, and Lola made their way down. Lola looked at Romy and saw the body of Kelly. "You did it... Didn't you?" Lola asked as she walked over to Romy. "Yes... But I had to make a sacrifice to do it..." Romy said as she looked at the ground. "What sacrifice?" Poppy asked as she looked at Romy. Romy turned around towards Poppy. "Mom couldn't be saved..." Romy said. Poppy walked over to Romy and hugged her. "Even with the time and portal spell we cannot save her... dead Relics are beyond saving..." Romy said as she hugged Poppy back. Lola sat down on the ground realizing it was over. Benjamin looked up at the cannon. "Emmaline..." he said slowly as the Celestial Cannon came down with fast speed. "WE GOTTA RUN!! IT IS LOSING ALTITUDE FASTER NOW!!" Benjamin said as she pulled Lola up and ran over to Romy and Poppy. "Where can we hide out here?!" he asked. Romy looked over to a building that is half-collapsed. "There!" Romy said as they ran over to that building and hid inside at the safest spot of the whole building. The Vampires and guards fled every direction they could to get to safety. The Celestial Cannon crashed down into the ground. The shockwave it made with the crash went over the land really quickly and destroyed more buildings and nature in its path. A long 30 minutes after the dust has dissipated. They got out of the building and saw the massive destruction that happened. Lola saw something glowing in a heartbeat at the exact spot Kelly's body was. "Guys! Look there!" Lola said as she pointed at the glowing light. Romy looked over to the glowing light. "Let's have a look!" Romy said as they ran towards the light. "It is Kelly's body! What could this mean?" Benjamin asked. Lola crouched down and looked at the body. "It is Yasmine's relic! She is still alive in there!" Lola said as she looked up at Romy. They all looked at Romy. "So... She is still savable?" Romy asked. Lola sighed. "Yes, but there might be problems coming later once she is freed from this body..." Lola said. Romy looked at them. "Let's take the body and get out of here... We cannot stay in this world anymore... Look around us at the destruction we caused... We will be hunted if we stay here!" Romy said as she looked at them all. Lola picked up the body. "Where do we need to go now then?" Lola asked. Romy pointed towards the cave in the distance. "The Vampire World!" Romy said. They started walking towards the cave with everyone who is left from this disaster... 

-=+=- -=+=- TEN YEARS LATER -=+=- -=+=- 

Romy woke up in a bed and looked around the room of her Royal Bedroom. It is storming outside a lot. The lightning comes through the walls and windows and goes through the whole room. "WHAT IS GOING ON?! IS SOMEONE THERE?!" Romy asked to see if someone is in her room. A black figure stood in front of the open doors ahead of her bed. "HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!" An evil woman's voice laughed as everything went black for Romy.

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This was Chapter 9: Ending the Nightmare and by that also the end of this first book of the Innocent series!
This book has taken my writing to the next level for sure, there will be coming a second book of Innocent for sure now with this open ending!
Thank you all for the support and help on this first book, because of all the reads and votes, without you all I couldn't have made this book!

I hope to see you all in the second book of the Innocent Series!

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